Issue with JSON Schema Validation error in Atlas

I have tags schema created in mongo database. I am putting validation verification using JsonSchema. { $jsonSchema: { bsonType: "object", required: ["name"], properties: { name: { bsonType: "string", description: "Tag name must be a string and is required.", }, }, }, }

when I try request with the { "name": 1 }. I don’t get the detailed error message mentioning the "“Tag name must be a string and is required.” as reponse to my API, when I run this in shell i get detailed response {
failingDocumentId: {},
details: {
operatorName: ‘$jsonSchema’,
schemaRulesNotSatisfied: [
operatorName: ‘properties’,
propertiesNotSatisfied: [
propertyName: ‘name’,
details: [
operatorName: ‘bsonType’,
specifiedAs: {
bsonType: ‘string’
reason: ‘type did not match’,
consideredValue: 1,
consideredType: ‘int’
} is it not enabled on the MongoDB atlas, I am using 5.0.15 cluster any help will be appreciated.

Have you tried adding , validationAction: "error" before the last } ?

Thank you for your time!

  $jsonSchema: {
    bsonType: 'object',
    required: [
    properties: {
      name: {
        bsonType: 'string',
        description: 'Tag name must be a string and is required.'

This is my schema. i get this message in the mongo db compass shell,

Additional information:
  failingDocumentId: {},
  details: {
    operatorName: '$jsonSchema',
    schemaRulesNotSatisfied: [
        operatorName: 'properties',
        propertiesNotSatisfied: [
            propertyName: 'name',
            details: [
                operatorName: 'bsonType',
                specifiedAs: {
                  bsonType: 'string'
                reason: 'type did not match',
                consideredValue: 1,
                consideredType: 'int'

but when I make an REST API call with the request

    "name": 1

I get only this as error message

Document failed validation

expected result was to get the detailed error message, I am using Mongodb Atlas.

Reference link : Improved Error Messages for Schema Validation in MongoDB 5.0 | MongoDB

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I still would suggest trying this.

  $jsonSchema: {
    bsonType: 'object',
    required: [
    properties: {
      name: {
        bsonType: 'string',
        description: 'Tag name must be a string and is required.'
  validationAction: 'error'

Hi Thank you for your time, I added this but I still get the legacy message. MongoError: “Document failed validation” and not the details as mentioned in the article.

What version of MongoDB Server are you running?

5.0.15 it was recently upgraded from 4.4 automatically I think.

Have you examined the System Log Options in your MongoDB configuration file?

Also see Log Messages