Hello everyone,
I’m trying to aggregate data from two collections in MongoDB but I’m running into an issue where the tagString
and tagObject
arrays are coming back empty. Here’s the context:
First, I retrieve a document from the dbChallenges collection:
db.dbchallenges.findOne({ _id: ObjectId("66ea89ef454ef534047b1ba8") }, { tags: 1 });
_id: ObjectId('66ea89ef454ef534047b1ba8'),
tags: [
tagID: ObjectId('66e8a25ee39bd5ecdc6628a8'),
position: 0,
_id: ObjectId('66ea89ef454ef534047b1ba9')
Then, I check a document from the dbTags collection:
db.dbtags.findOne({ _id: ObjectId("66e8a25ee39bd5ecdc6628a8") });
_id: ObjectId('66e8a25ee39bd5ecdc6628a8'),
ro: 'Tutorial',
en: 'Tutorial',
master: true,
__v: 0
Next, I attempt to aggregate the data:
$match: {
_id: ObjectId("66ea89ef454ef534047b1ba8"),
$addFields: {
tagIDsAsObject: {
$map: {
input: "$tags",
as: "tag",
in: { $toObjectId: "$$tag.tagID" },
tagIDsAsString: {
$map: {
input: "$tags",
as: "tag",
in: { $toString: "$$tag.tagID" },
$lookup: {
from: "dbTags",
let: { tagIdsStr: "$tagIDsAsString" },
pipeline: [
$addFields: { _idAsString: { $toString: "$_id" } },
$match: {
$expr: {
$in: ["$_idAsString", "$$tagIdsStr"],
$project: {
_id: 1,
_idAsString: 1,
ro: 1,
en: 1
as: "tagString",
$lookup: {
from: "dbTags",
localField: "tagIDsAsObject",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "tagObject",
$project: {
tags: 1,
tagIDsAsObject: 1,
tagIDsAsString: 1,
tagString: 1,
tagObject: 1,
The result of the aggregation is as follows:
_id: ObjectId('66ea89ef454ef534047b1ba8'),
tags: [
tagID: ObjectId('66e8a25ee39bd5ecdc6628a8'),
position: 0,
_id: ObjectId('66ea89ef454ef534047b1ba9')
tagIDsAsObject: [ ObjectId('66e8a25ee39bd5ecdc6628a8') ],
tagIDsAsString: [ '66e8a25ee39bd5ecdc6628a8' ],
tagString: [],
tagObject: []
As you can see, both tagString
and tagObject
are empty, and I can’t understand what I’m doing wrong. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!