Is there a way to merge these 3 operations into one? I have to run these 3 for each location, and the operations might grow fast and affect performance.

I have this working well, however, I’m worried about the performance - eg if I have 100 locations, it means 300 operations.
Is there a way to simplify this, and still achieve the same thing?

const filter = { organizationId, itemId }
const locationsData = [{ locationId, locationQtyInc: 2 }, {...}]
const operations = []

// I have a list of locations, and the quantities to be be updated for each - looping through and adding to operations list for EACH LOCATION!
const locationQtyInc = 2
    // make sure the document exists - it might exist or not
    { updateOne: { filter, update: { $setOnInsert: { locations: [] } }, upsert: true } },
    // make sure the specific location exists - the location element might exist or not
      updateOne: {
        filter: { ...filter, "locations.locationId": { $ne: locationId } },
        update: { $addToSet: { locations: { locationId } } },
    // add or update the location stock details
      updateOne: {
        filter: { ...filter, "locations.locationId": new ObjectId(locationId) },
        update: {
          $inc: {
            "locations.$.committedStock": locationQtyInc,
            "locations.$.stockLevel": locationQtyInc,
          $set: { updatedAt: new Date() },