Is it possible to move cluster from one project to another?

Is it possible to move cluster from one project to another?

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Hi @Oleksiy_Delendyk,

Welcome to the community :slight_smile:

Is it possible to move cluster from one project to another?

You won’t be able to directly move a cluster from one project to another. However, it is possible to migrate a cluster from project A to project B using the live migration option from the UI, as described in the live import documentation. Additionally, you can also restore a cluster from a backup onto a cluster in a different project.

However it is important to note that in both suggested ways above, Atlas does not migrate any user or role data to the destination cluster. Hence, you should re-create the credentials used by your applications on the destination Project.

May I also ask the use case for wanting to move a cluster from one project to another?



Not the original poster, but in my case the reason I’d like to move a cluster to a separate project is because Atlas API keys have access to the whole project. We use API keys to manage search indexes and I don’t want one key to have access to all cluster in my project.

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Also, not the original poster, but my use case is for billing reasons. I am moving a client’s cluster from our organization into a new organization. I cannot move the entire project as there are other clusters in the same project that I do not want to move. I.e. it would be ideal to create new project, move the cluster into that project, then move the entire project to a new Organization

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Hi @Paul_French,

Welcome to the community & thanks for providing that information regarding your use case.

I.e. it would be ideal to create new project, move the cluster into that project, then move the entire project to a new Organization

As mentioned above in my earlier reply, you won’t be able to directly move the cluster into a new project but you can try the live import feature or restoring the cluster from a backup to a new project. Once a copy of the original cluster in the new project, you can move a project to a new Organization as long as you have Organization Owner access in both the source and target Organizations.

As noted in the documentation, when you move a project to another Atlas organization, Atlas copies the project users and their respective roles to the same project in the destination organization. However, Atlas doesn’t carryover teams assigned to the project because you define teams at the organization level.



Thanks for providing your use case details and welcome to the community @Dmitry_Erokhin :wave:

Have you tried using one of the methods I mentioned above earlier for moving a cluster across to a different project?


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