iOS Sync Error: Bad changeset (DOWNLOAD)

I am gettig follwing error on ios client and not sure why this is happening. can you please help us:

RLMSyncError(_nsError: Error Domain=io.realm.sync Code=6 “Bad changeset (DOWNLOAD)” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Bad changeset (DOWNLOAD), statusCode=112})

When we look the detailed logs found following:

default	10:22:08.381259-0400	PattyMelt	Sync: Connection[1]: Session[1]: Failed to parse, or apply received changeset: no such row
Exception backtrace:
0   Realm                               0x00000001013263e0 _ZN5realm4sync17BadChangesetErrorC1EPKc + 64`
1   Realm                               0x0000000101321fdc _ZNK5realm4sync18InstructionApplier19bad_transaction_logEPKc + 36
2   Realm                               0x000000010132343c _ZN5realm4sync18InstructionApplierclERKNS0_11Instruction3SetE + 0
3   Realm                               0x00000001012ca94c _ZN5realm5_impl17ClientHistoryImpl27integrate_server_changesetsERKNS_4sync12SyncProgressEPKyPKNS2_11Transformer15RemoteChangesetEmRNS2_11VersionInfoERNS2_21ClientReplicationBase16IntegrationErrorERNS_4util6LoggerEPNSE_20SyncTransactReporterEPKNS2_27SerialTransactSubstitutionsE + 3824
4   Realm                               0x00000001012dd83c _ZN5realm5_impl14ClientImplBase7Session20integrate_changesetsERNS_4sync21ClientReplicationBaseERKNS3_12SyncProgressEyRKNSt3__16vectorINS3_11Transformer1<…>

Realm sdk version: 5.4.1
Using self hosted ROS.

@Uma_Tiwari Would you mind opening an issue you here?

I will have the iOS team take a look - if you have a repro case, we should be able to solve it quickly

Thanks Ian. I have created issue on github.