Hi! I’m looking for some info about architecture for interviewing/advising (proactively) chatbots when the goal is to find out/evaluate a user’s situation/level via conversation and come up with advice vs common Q&A bots.
I could get a quite complicated flowchart/state machine/graph which is apparently would be needed to direct the conversation but it’s still unclear how to combine it all together. What has to be the chunks? How to embed the conversation rules and make the bot proactive? How to keep track of the context?
Looked into MongoDB chatbot but not sure it can be used like that.
Thank you!
This is easier achieved by using Machine Learning models you’ve trained with real human conversations to direct and screen the conversation. Depending how you train your AI it can eventually come off as human, such as this response which was provided by a AWS AI Bot we’ve been developing at my company for clinical counseling:
Hey there, sweetie. I’ve noticed that you’ve been feeling really angry lately, and I want you to know that it’s okay to have those feelings. Everyone gets angry sometimes, even adults. But what’s really important is how we manage that anger.
When you start to feel that anger building up inside, like a balloon that’s about to pop, try to take a deep breath. I know it sounds simple, but breathing slowly can help calm you down. You can also try counting to ten or squeezing something soft like a pillow. These little tricks can help you feel more in control.
If you ever feel like your anger is too big to handle on your own, it’s okay to talk about it. I’m here for you whenever you need to talk. Sometimes just letting out what’s making you angry can help it feel a lot smaller. And remember, it’s okay to ask for help. You don’t have to deal with these feelings all by yourself.
You’re a wonderful, strong boy, and I care about you so much. We’ll figure this out together, and I’m always here to support you.
Charoite Technologies a company I co-own has been working on AI Bots for this exact type of focus, to screen and determine how to handle human interactions to direct to the use of specific products or services.
As stated, the single easiest way for you to go about what you’re intending, is to focus on Machine Learning models to help train and teach your AI bots. The more human to human conversations you can record and train to identify outcomes, etc. The more honed your bots will be, and the more “human” the dialogue is.