In operator does not work in realm.query

In operator does not work in realm.query in this function:

suspend fun getRestaurantsProcessedOrdersWithThrowAndroid(): CommonFlow<List> {

    val userId = appService.currentUser

    if(appService.currentUser != null) {
        val restaurantsIds = realm.query<Restaurant>("userID = $0", userId!!.id).find().map { it.getID() }
        val queryValues = restaurantsIds.joinToString(separator = ",", prefix = "{", postfix = "}")
        return realm.query<ProcessedOrder>(
            "restaurantID IN $0", queryValues
             .map {
        throw Exception("user not logged in")


I have tried with listOf("id,“id”,“id”) and still does not work. Any idea?

Have a great day!

Im using this function that works. So i guess your are missing the “uuid(” part

fun createQueryOfIds(ids: List): String {
val idsQueryString = ids.joinToRealmQuery()
return “id IN $idsQueryString”

fun List.joinToRealmQuery(): String {
return this.joinToString(prefix = “{”, postfix = “}”, separator = ", ") {

For me it worked like this:

val restaurantsIds = realm.query(“userID = $0”, userId!!.id).find().map { it.getID() }
val queryValues = restaurantsIds.joinToString(“‘,’”)
return realm.query(
“restaurantID IN {$0}”, queryValues

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