I wanna ask about the runCommand() for modifying the validations for collection?

everyone, this is Ameer Hamza Khan, currently, I am modifying a validation for the collection and the code is given below which shows an error "no such command: ‘mode’ ",

    mode: 'collection',
        $jsonSchema: {
            required: ['name', 'price', 'authors'],
            properties: {
                name: {
                    bsonType: 'string',
                    description: 'must be a string and required'
                price: {
                    bsonType: 'number',
                    description: 'must be a number and required'
                authors: {
                    bsonType: 'array',
                    description: 'must be array and required',
                    items: {
                        bsonType: 'object',
                        required: ['name', 'email'],
                        properties: {
                                bsonType: 'string'
                            email: {
                                bsonType: 'string'
    validationAction: 'error'

please help me out how to resolve this error what is the correct syntax for mode?
Kind Regards!
Ameer Hamza Khan