I am using the “wildcard” operator and our clients want the results to be sorted alphabetically. Would you have an example?

 $search: {
  compound: {
   must: [
     wildcard: {
      query: '*',
      path: [
      allowAnalyzedField: true
     compound: {
      mustNot: [
        exists: {
         path: 'deleted_at'
}, {
 $sort: {
  name_first: -1

There are some examples here: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/tutorial/sort-tutorial/

Though this is quite similar to your own query. Did you have any issues?

I read your provide article and found 2 ways

  1. near operator which is used only for date and number type data.
  2. $sort

But As described before my sorting perform on alphabetical order. So I used $sort But the issue is $sort work too slow on large dataset for example below:

MyDataSetCount Approx: 2 Lacs

 $search: {
  compound: {
   must: [
     wildcard: {
      query: '*',
      path: [
      allowAnalyzedField: true
     compound: {
      mustNot: [
        exists: {
         path: 'deleted_at'
}, {
 $sort: {
  name_first: 1

Other Qyery format :

 $search: {
  compound: {
   must: [
     wildcard: {
      query: '*com*',
      path: [
      allowAnalyzedField: true
     compound: {
      must: [
        text: {
         query: 'male',
         path: 'gender'
     wildcard: {
      path: 'name_first',
      query: '*mo*',
      allowAnalyzedField: true
     wildcard: {
      path: 'name_last',
      query: '*sh*',
      allowAnalyzedField: true
     compound: {
      mustNot: [
        exists: {
         path: 'deleted_at'
}, {
 $sort: {
  name_first: 1

Did you try it with Stored Source? https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/stored-source-definition/

Hi Elle,

Yes I tried Source in our indexing like below but result same (too slow):

  "mappings": {
    "dynamic": true
  "storedSource": {
    "include": [

Okay, we are working on a solution for this. You can follow progress here. We hope to have something soon!