How to write my UpdateMany statement in C# (strongly typed driver syntax)

Hi All,
I have the following document:

"_id": {
    "$oid": "5fc232d9b9b390623ce498ee"
"trigger": {
    "type": 0,
    "interval": 15
"startTime": {
    "$numberLong": "1608078905"
"state": 0,
"assigned_to": ""

And I have a UpdateMany statement that only updates documents that their startTime (timespan) + interval (seconds) is lower than equal to the current timestamp with the value of ‘computer a’, (UPDATE) and set the ‘state’ attribute to ‘1’:

{ state: 0 },
  { $set: { assigned_to: { $switch: { 
    branches: [ 
      { case: { $lte: [ { $add: [ "$startTime", "$trigger.interval" ] }, new Timestamp() ] }, then: "computer a" }
    default: ""
  } } } },
  { $set: { state: 1 } }

I’m trying to have it working with my C# .NET Core application (if possible - with the driver syntax so it will be strongly-typed)

If you have a better way to implement it comparing to how I did it - I’ll be happy to get your feedback!
If you can help me have it in C# - it would be amazing!

Thank you all