How to sort embedded array in-place with $sortArray in Mongoose

I’m trying to use $sortArray to sort a collection by a field (‘bandName’), and within each document, sort the embedded array ‘tours’ by date.

In the official example (linked above) sortArray is used in the projection stage. In my case I want keep the shape of the document.

     bandName: "The Beatles",
     tours: [
          date: "2022-09-10"
          location: "San Francisco"
          date: "2022-09-15"
          location: "Seatle"


      const rs = await this.bands
            $set: {
              tours: {
                $sortArray: {
                  input: '$tours',
                  sortBy: { 'date': -1 }
            $sort: {
              bandName: 1

Error: MongoServerError: Invalid $set :: caused by :: Unrecognized expression '$sortArray

Mongo server version: 6
Mongoose: 6.4.7
Node: 16.4

I misstated the version. We’re on v5.0.8 which doesn’t have $sortArray. It’s a managed service so upgrade is beyond our control.

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