How to solve discrete document that shows continuous value and calculate it correctly?


The document is something like that, I am facing problem only with activeEnergy so I want to focus on that only. Below I have written the code, in the first group object I have divided by year, month, day but in actual code it is dynamic, if the payload from frontend I receive is month and week then I group accordingly, but if I receive day in payload then I group by hour, I calculate the max and min energy of that hour and then sum for all hour, as activeEnergy is continuous, but the problem is that I am not getting data at every second so it is possible that I get the first data at 10;25am and last data at 10:45am therefore by taking max and min I only calculate for that 20 min and miss on all the remaining time data, ideally what I should do is max of this hour by max of previous hour.
That becomes a problem because data is not grouped like that by me, how to solve the problem?

        $project: {
	    "y":{"$year": {$toDate: "$actualtime"}},
            "m":{"$month": {$toDate: "$actualtime"}},
            "d":{"$dayOfMonth": {$toDate: "$actualtime"}},
            "h":{"$hour": {$toDate: "$actualtime"}},
            "activeEnergy": 1,
            "metadata.meterId": 1,
            "activePower": 1,
            "actualtime": 1,
            "powerFactor": 1,
            "metadata.dat": 1

        $match: {
            "metadata.dat": "62f0f3459731692a5eab5ad6/south0tpbit/tamilnadu5dvs8w/chennaidzc2yd/kknagarj4ffzo",
            "actualtime": {
                $gte: 1656613800000, $lte: 1659292199999,
            //          "metadata.device":"ObjectId(62f0f9b5f757672222282d9)" how to check using object id?,
            "metadata.meterId": "911615402222257_2",
        $group: {
            _id: {
                date: {
                    year: "$y",
                    month: "$m",
                    day: "$d",
//                    hour: "$h",
                meter: "$metadata.meterId",
            maxValue: {
                $max: "$activeEnergy"
            minValue: {
                $min: "$activeEnergy"
            averageActivePowerOfDay: { $avg: "$activePower" },
            averagePowerFactorOfDay: { $avg: "$powerFactor" },
        $addFields: {
            differnce: {
                $subtract: [
        $group: {
            _id: null, res: {
                $push: '$$ROOT'
            }, differnceSum: {
                $sum: '$differnce'
            averageActivePowerOverThePeriod: {
                $avg: "$averageActivePowerOfDay"
            averagePowerFactorOverThePeriod: {
                $avg: "$averagePowerFactorOfDay"