How to migrate MongoDB server from RHEL7 to RHEL8

Hi Team,

We are upgrading our OS from RHEL7 to RHEL8, this is an in-place upgrade where the OS will be upgraded on the same VM. What’s the recommended approach to migrate our MongoDB server to the new OS RHEL8? Do we just install MongoDB binaries for RHEL8 and restart the database? We are not upgrading mongo only the OS - our current versions are 4.4 and 7.0.

Thanks for any help.


Hi Jonathan,

Did you got any reference/step to perform for this. Since we are in plan to upgrade OS RHEL7 to RHEL8 for Mongo DB 4.2. Please help us to know how you achieved this?

Hi there, it usually depends on what kind of HA you are using. Maybe what I do might be helpful to you:
I have PSA setup and when I want to upgrade a node, I usually go that route:
1- spin a new node with your new OS, that will act as a secondary. And make it join the cluster as a hidden node
2- wait for the node to replicate the data
3- once done remove the hidden setting and set the proper priority back
4- set it as primary

  • repeat steps 1,2 and 3 for all remaining secondaries and finally by the arbiter