How to create a Java mongodb driver query that is identical to this mongodb update query with arrayfilter

Demo Mongo playground.

I found examples to do with spring-mongodb. But unable to find any working way to do this with mongodb driver based code.


  pollID: 123
  "$inc": {
    "answerAnalytics.$[element].selectCount": 1
  "arrayFilters": [
      "$or": [
          "element.option": "1"
          "element.option": "2"
  "multi": true

I have tried doing something like this

 DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions dbCollectionFindAndModifyOptions = (new DBCollectionFindAndModifyOptions()).projection((DBObject) null).sort((DBObject) null).remove(false).update(incrObj).returnNew(true).upsert(false).bypassDocumentValidation(true).maxTime(0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).writeConcern(writeConcern);

DBObject dbObject = dbCollection.findAndModify(queryDocument, dbCollectionFindAndModifyOptions);

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