How to Become a Conference Speaker

About this event

With all conferences going virtual this year, it’s easier than ever to give a presentation: no travel days and no hotel costs. So how do you convince the organizers of an event that you’re the right person with the right topic?

MongoDB veteran speakers Lauren Schaefer and Sven Peters have spoken at over 300 events and will share their tips and tricks and how to avoid pitfalls when submitting a proposal to speak at a conference.

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to identify a topic that is perfect for both you and the conference, create a compelling title, and write a convincing abstract. And don’t worry—you don’t need to have tons of experience in public speaking to land your first gig.

Featured Presentation


Sven Peters

Sven Peters

MongoDB, Developer Advocate

Lauren Hayward Schaefer

Lauren Hayward Schaefer

MongoDB, Developer Advocate