How to add single field using $lookup?

How can I use aggregate $lookup to include a single value from another collection as (root) object?

stati: [
    { id: 1, str: 'ordered' },
    { id: 2, str: 'packed' },
    { id: 3, str: 'shipped' },

orders: [
    { id: 100, status: 3, strDate: '2021-03-01', items: [] },
    { id: 101, status: 2, strDate: '2021-04-01', items: [] },
    { id: 102, status: 1, strDate: '2021-04-01', items: [] },

result: [
    { id: 100, status: 3, strDate: '2021-03-01', items: [], strStatus: 'shipped' },
    { id: 101, status: 2, strDate: '2021-04-01', items: [], strStatus: 'packed' },
    { id: 102, status: 1, strDate: '2021-04-01', items: [], strStatus: 'ordered' },



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I found a working solution, but I am wondering if it really has to be so complicated.

It seems very expensive to $lookup and $unwind an array instead of just integrating the single field.

  $lookup: {
    from: "stati",
    let: {
      status: "$status"
    pipeline: [
        $match: {
          $expr: {
            $eq: [
        $project: {
          str: 1
    as: "_strStatus"
  $unwind: {
    path: "$_strStatus",
    preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false
  $set: {
    strStatus: "$_strStatus.str"
  $project: {
    _strStatus: 0

$lookup/$unwind works, but seems to me expensive from a computational perspective.

MongoDB Playground

Is there a way to fetch a field value from a 1-to-1 relationship without the $lookup/$unwind combination?

Hello @blue_puma Welcome to MongoDB Community Forum,

You can use $lookup without pipeline,

  • $lookup with stati collection, pass status as localField and pass id as foreignField
  • $set to show str status from above lookup result, $arrayElemAt to get first element from lookup result strStatus.str.
    $lookup: {
      from: "stati",
      localField: "status",
      foreignField: "id",
      as: "strStatus"
    $set: {
      strStatus: { $arrayElemAt: ["$strStatus.str", 0] }

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