How indexing works for the combination of $and and $or

Hello Community,

I have one query which is the combination of $and and $or.


db.collection.find({"$and": [
    "Obj.status": {
      "$ne": "REJECTED"
    "show": {
      "$ne": false
    "priority": {
      "$ne": true
    "$or": [
        "pc": {
          "$exists": false
        "pc": {
          "$in": [
            "VALUE 1",
            "VALUE 2",
            "VALUE 3"
    "$or": [
        "pcv": {
          "$exists": false
        "pcv": "VALUE 4"
        "pcv": "VALUE 5",
        "pcvs": {
          "$ne": "VALUE 6"
        "pcv": "VALUE 7"
    "$or": [
        "uo": {
          "$exists": false
        "uo": {
          "$elemMatch": {
            "status": "COMPLETED"
        "isLS": true,
        "isLSO": true,
        "isDeleted": {
          "$ne": true
    "category": {
      "$exists": false
    "type": {
      "$in": [

Above query is just a sample, actually I have 7 $or sections inside the $and.

I saw that there is a document available for $or query, and it’s recommended to have separate index on each of the columns used in $or.

I have few questions here:

  1. As you can see there are multiple $or sections, so should I create a separate index for each attributes used in multiple $or?
  2. How should I treat the $and?
  3. Is the ordering of the multiple $or section matters?
  4. Is the ordering of the attributes inside the $or section matters?

Any help/tip to improve and index creation would be highly appreciated.

Thank you,

Any help or suggestion?

Are any of these filters selective? If not then I’m not sure you’ll be able to create a good index.

The docs are referring to top level $or clause where if your query is

{$or: [ 
    { something }
    { something-else }

then having separate indexes on something and something-else can both be used since $or is a union of those two results sets. What you have is a complex $and with some of the branches being $or groups. The best thing you can do is figure out which of the top level conditions are most selective and index those. Unfortunately they all seem to be range queries - if some of them are point queries then you can more easily combine them into a compound index.



Thank you @Asya_Kamsky

Can you please help me understand what do you mean by “selective filters”?

All of the $or groups always present in the query. Some of them have $in query where value can be changed. But attribute will be there.

When you have a large number of documents a selective filter would narrow them down to very few, a less selective filter might match a majority of them.

Got your point. Thanks @Asya_Kamsky

Unfortunately, I don’t have such attrs/filter in the that query.

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