How does the latest version of realm sdk can be used to get the documents from my cluster?

I encountered several errors related to the use of the Realm SDK in your Android Studio project written in Kotlin.

The first error was related to the initialization of the Realm library in your project, where the Realm.init(this) method was giving an “Unresolved reference: init” error. This was because the init method was not present in the io.realm.kotlin dependency you were using.

The second error was related to the creation of an App instance using the AppConfiguration.Builder("<YOUR-APP-ID>").build() method, which was giving an “Unresolved reference. None of the following candidates is applicable because of receiver type mismatch” error.

The third error was related to the use of the loginAsync method, which was giving an “Unresolved reference: loginAsync” error.

The fourth error was related to the use of a lambda expression, which was giving a “Cannot infer a type for this parameter. Please specify it explicitly.” error.

The fifth error was related to the use of the LoginResponse class, which was giving an “Unresolved reference: LoginResponse” error.

The sixth error was related to the use of the it keyword in a lambda expression, which was giving an “Unresolved reference: it” error.

The seventh error was related to the use of a lambda expression, which was giving a “Cannot infer a type for this parameter. Please specify it explicitly.” error.

@M_Abdullah_Qureshi: Welcome to the MongoDB community!

Can you tell us which project you are talking about here?. - I encountered several errors related to the use of the Realm SDK in your Android Studio project written in Kotlin.