How can i sort data coming from multiple tables joined by lookup


In my MongoDB, I have these documents

  1. Topic, 2. MCQS, 3. True/false The topic has different questions like MCQs and true/false and in the MCQs and true/false table the Id of the topic is saved as a foreign key and in the topic table, I have userId saved as a foreign key so that I can get the topics created by a specific user. Now I want to make an API that can get data from these two documents(MCQs, t/f) on the basis of topicId. Can anyone please help me, I am creating the backend for the first time. I joined these table by using lookup.

        { $match: { _id: new ObjectId( } },


            $lookup: {

                from: "mcqs",

                localField: "_id",

                foreignField: "topicId",

                as: "topics_mcqs_info"




            $lookup: {

                from: "true_falses",

                localField: "_id",

                foreignField: "topicId",

                as: "topics_trueFalse_info"



I am getting the result now I want to sort the questions by their sequence number.
This my question json object. How can I sort questions? As I am getting first all the mcqs. then true false.

                "_id": "629f451869b9778bdd7f4b16",
                "mcqs": "Hello mcqs",
                "option1": "a",
                "option2": "b",
                "option3": "c",
                "option4": "d",
                "answer": "option2",
                "sequence": 1,
                "topicId": "629f44f969b9778bdd7f4b10"

Hi @Naila_Nosheen and welcome in the MongoDB Community :muscle: !

You have the wrong way to do it and the right way to do it. :wink:
The wrong way would be to use $unwind to break down the array (I think topics_mcqs_info here) and rebuild the question array with a $group using $push and with a $sort before that group stage to sort the docs in the order you want.

This would work but add a lot of useless processing (=breaking down the array and rebuilding it).

The right solution is to use the other format of $lookup, the one that is using a subpipeline, so you can actually sort the docs directly in there and build the array of questions already sorted.

You pipeline will probably look like this:

db.orders.aggregate( [
      $lookup: {
         from: "mcqs",
         localField: "_id",
         foreignField: "topicId",
         pipeline: [ {
            $sort: {
               sequenceNumber: 1
         } ],
         as: "topics_mcqs_info"
   { the other similar lookup stage here }
] )

I think this should work. Please provide a few sample docs if you can’t figure it out so I can test it on my side.


Hello @MaBeuLux88 I have tried the pipeline way. But the questions are not sorted. this JSON object I am getting.

        "_id": "62a4769c989f1ace846eaf35",
        "topic": "Plants",
        "language": "English",
        "grade": "ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grade 1",
        "noOfQuestions": "3",
        "__v": 0,
        "topics_mcqs_info": [
                "_id": "62a476f7989f1ace846eaf44",
                "mcqs": "I am MCQs.",
                "option1": "option1",
                "option2": "option2",
                "option3": "option3",
                "option4": "option4",
                "answer": "option2",
                "sequence": 3,
                "topicId": "62a4769c989f1ace846eaf35",
                "__v": 0
        "topics_trueFalse_info": [
                "_id": "62a476b9989f1ace846eaf3b",
                "question": "I am true false.",
                "answer": "true",
                "sequence": 1,
                "topicId": "62a4769c989f1ace846eaf35",
                "__v": 0
        "topics_openEnded_info": [
                "_id": "62a476cb989f1ace846eaf3f",
                "question": "I am short question.",
                "sequence": 2,
                "topicId": "62a4769c989f1ace846eaf35",
                "__v": 0

As In my code the mcqs lookup is first so it is returning me mcqs first regardless of the sequence.

This is my code:

const getQuestionsByTopicId = function (req, res) {
        { $match: { _id: new ObjectId( } },
            $lookup: {
                from: "mcqs",
                localField: "_id",
                foreignField: "topicId",
                pipeline: [ {
                    $sort: {
                        sequence: 1
                 } ],
                as: "topics_mcqs_info"
            $lookup: {
                from: "true_falses",
                localField: "_id",
                foreignField: "topicId",
                pipeline: [ {
                    $sort: {
                        sequence: 1
                 } ],
                as: "topics_trueFalse_info"
            $lookup: {
                from: "open_endeds",
                localField: "_id",
                foreignField: "topicId",
                pipeline: [ {
                    $sort: {
                        sequence: 1
                 } ],
                as: "topics_openEnded_info"
        .then((result) => {
        .catch((error) => {

Can you please see this for me? As I am noticing it has sorted the array in lookups, but is there a way to sort it that way to get the output I want?

Hi @Naila_Nosheen,

I don’t understand what isn’t sorted in your output. Each lookup adds a new array of documents that come from a different collection each time and these arrays are sorted by sequence in each individual array. It’s not what you want?

Do you want to mix all these arrays in a single array where all the questions are mixed and sorted by sequence?

Also please use markdown code blocks when you send code to ease the readability of your posts.


Sorry for the late reply but thank you so much. Your Solution helped me a lot. but is it possible to mix all the questions in one array and then sort them by sequence? :slight_smile:

Hi @Naila_Nosheen,

Then I would remove the sorts from the lookups (as they would be redundant) and I would add the following at the end of your pipeline:

    '$addFields': {
      'all': {
        '$sortArray': {
          'input': {
            '$concatArrays': [
              '$topics_mcqs_info', '$topics_trueFalse_info', '$topics_openEnded_info'
          'sortBy': {
            'sequence': 1
  }, {
    '$project': {
      'topics_mcqs_info': 0, 
      'topics_trueFalse_info': 0, 
      'topics_openEnded_info': 0

Note that $sortArray is new in 5.2.

If 5.2 isn’t yet possible for you, then you have an alternative but it’s a little bit unpleasant. Read this for more details.



Thank you so much @MaBeuLux88. You saved my day.


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