Hackathon Live CODING and FUN Hack Friday - week 3!

Join the MongoDB Hackathon team to see how we are hacking our own project!!

In this session, Staff Developer Advocate Nic Raboy shares the progress of his News Browser Web App that he is building alongside all our hackathon participants.

In this session, Nic will focus on the meta scraper he built for adding info and images to the GDELT data?

We will be running these sessions each Friday during the hackathon where we will build features onto the WebApp sample app. All repos will be shared, so you can follow along too.

We also use this Friday session to share team and indivdual progress - so if there’s anything you want to share on camera about your own hackathon project and progress, with all the Hackathon viewers, please reply to this post and we’ll send you an invite link. Anybody sharing is in-line to get some cool swag!!

Join us, it will be fun and you will learn too! What’s not to like!!


We will be live on MongoDB Youtube and MongoDB Twitch


Shane McAllister

Lead Developer Advocate


Mark Smith

Senior Developer Advocate


Nic Raboy

Staff Developer Advocate


Link Details

Event Type: Online
Video Conferencing URL

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This is starting in just over 90 minutes from now - very much looking forward to it.

You can join on MongoDB Youtube and MongoDB Twitch or just watch below.

If you have any questions, you can ask them via Chat live during the stream, or if you can’t make it, just reply to this post, and we’ll ask them for you.