Hackathon - CAMEO event code

The CAMEO Manual details a list of event codes as verbs. They all seem somewhat confrontational. How would you code for an article on a technological advance, academic prize (including Nobel), a discovery in medicine or archeology, or COVID? And what does a positive GoldsteinSore mean?

db.eventsCSV.aggregate( [{$group: {_id: “$EventRootCode”, tone: {$avg: “$AvgTone”}, scale: {$avg: “$GoldsteinScale”} }} ], {allowDiskUse:true}).toArray()

{ _id: ‘08’, tone: -2.5138041216441676, scale: 6.385177271485006 },
{ _id: ‘16’, tone: -3.2453490134088616, scale: -5.387753047703394 },
{ _id: ‘14’, tone: -3.806666068522457, scale: -6.58807398025937 },
{ _id: ‘01’, tone: -2.251555047729386, scale: 0.018630319672395135 },
{ _id: ‘–’, tone: -8.226224586544756, scale: null },
{ _id: ‘05’, tone: -0.23222535042816278, scale: 4.123959029658475 },
{ _id: ‘06’, tone: -1.2006600489934414, scale: 6.24108697755418 },
{ _id: ‘17’, tone: -5.280027351453161, scale: -5.3401026812549715 },
{ _id: ‘13’, tone: -3.6296585065911784, scale: -5.035283492894095 },
{ _id: ‘20’, tone: -4.790790602787274, scale: -9.987066779374471 },
{ _id: ‘19’, tone: -4.333058927669241, scale: -9.950117329932903 },
{ _id: ‘03’, tone: -0.5232234635535984, scale: 4.274951367978328 },
{ _id: ‘11’, tone: -3.6075745099406733, scale: -2 },
{ _id: ‘09’, tone: -3.0776017755819653, scale: -2 },
{ _id: ‘15’, tone: -2.896741645440607, scale: -7.2 },
{ _id: ‘04’, tone: -1.1321422098505745, scale: 2.6427215029220013 },
{ _id: ‘12’, tone: -2.8975944211327906, scale: -4.210475664691085 },
{ _id: ‘07’, tone: -0.8038323782725084, scale: 7.326151820640566 },
{ _id: ‘10’, tone: -2.740437732772371, scale: -5 },
{ _id: ‘18’, tone: -5.870330131781918, scale: -9.180378334969216 },
{ _id: ‘02’, tone: -1.860422472187114, scale: 2.9503825073153807 }

Here is a primer on the Goldstein scale:

A Conflict-Cooperation Scale for WEIS Events Data

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Thanks. It was an interesting read although I’d have to look at WEIS to better understand. It is as though the GoldsteinScale is a normalization to bridge between older and new datasets. The GoldsteinScale is not independent of the EventRootCode and neither is the AvgTone
