Group By Specific Column within a Collection

Here is my sample Collection data :

“_id”: “63f52a5240c6bf8fa4dd9a79”,
“Protection_Level”: “1”,
“Stock_Count”: “10”,
“Product_ID”: “11468752”,
“LAST_UPDATED_DTTM”: “20230216134424”,
“Store_ID”: “100”,
“ABC_Protection_Level”: “4”

I got like these 1.7Million records with product/store and its stock. How would I create aggregation as below ?

  • Stock count by store for each products (or)
  • Bucket them into chunks to process the collection data easily for posting via API ?

I am exploring $Group / $bucket / $bucketauto - couldn’t find easy way to write the pipeline according to my need. Any help would be appreciated!

Please share what you tried so far. This way we avoid losing time working on a solution you already know it is not working. This could also save us by simply adapting or improving on a partially working solution.

Please share the sample result you would like.

The above requirement is not clear enough to propose anything meaningful.

I got 3 Million records within the collection.

  • 10K Unique products

  • 200+ Stores

I was thinking to create aggregation pipeline as below to utilize within my springboot API to post into a vendor api.

  • Stock/Inventory count for each product across all the stores (so, it will be 10K API Calls instead of 3M API Calls) [OR]

  • Bucket them into chunks to process the collection data easily for posting into vendor api from the pipeline

Here are the options I am trying :

//Mongo Community
//Group Inventory data
$group: {
“_id”: {
Product_id: “$Product_ID”,
Store_id: “$Store_ID”,
Stock_cnt : “$Stock_Count”

// Bucket Auto
//Bucket Auto Inventory Example ; I couldn’t think through how to then create subsequent stages

db.artwork.aggregate( [
$bucketAuto: {
groupBy: “$Product_ID”,
buckets: 10

] )

//Another Bucket approach

//Bucket Stock Data ; But it defaults them into “OTHER” as overall SUM INVENTORY DATA

db.artists.aggregate( [
// First Stage
$bucket: {
groupBy: “$Stock_Count”, // Field to group by
boundaries: [ 10, 25, 35, 45, 55, 80, 100 ], // Boundaries for the buckets
default: “Other”, // Bucket ID for documents which do not fall into a bucket
output: { // Output for each bucket
“count”: { $sum: 1 },
“artists” :
$push: {
“Product_ID”: $Product_ID ,
“Store_ID”: $Store_ID ,
“Stock_Count”: “$Stock_Count”

Please let me know if this helps.

I was able to find the solution by myself - thanks to MongoDB University videos & Stackoverflow :slight_smile:

Sharing the working code below for anyone coming across similar scenario to achieve it.

//Getting Products and its stores + inventory count using nested group scenario

       * _id: The id of the group.
       * fieldN: The first field name.
        _id: {
          Product_ID: "$Product_ID",
          Store_ID: "$Store_ID",
          Stock_Count: "$Stock_Count",
       * _id: The id of the group.
       * fieldN: The first field name.
        _id: "$_id.Product_ID",
        Subset: {
          $push: {
            Store_ID: "$_id.Store_ID",
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