Group by nested object and group items to array

I have an array like this:

        name: "a",
        title: {
            title: "b",
            order: 1
        group: "B"
        name: "b",
        title: {
            title: "b",
            order: 1
        group: "B"
        name: "c",
        title: {
            title: "c",
            order: 2
        group: "B"

How do I convert to this:

        _id: "b",
        items: [
            {name: "a", group: "B"},
            {name: "b", group: "B"}
        _id: "c",
        items: [
            {name: "c", group: "B"}

I know I can use $group operator but I only get _id field, please help me.

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You can do it like this:

    "$group": {
      "_id": "$title.title",
      "items": {
        "$addToSet": {
          "name": "$name",
          "group": "$group"

Working example

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Awesome, I can’t believe mongodb can do it easily like this. Thanks so much!

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