Go template for atlas accessLists list

I’m trying to do something simple. List the allowed IP addresses/CIDR with the comment as a simple table.
However, the documentation on the go template integration is … not there.
I looked at the output from

atlas accessLists list -o json

which lead me to guess that I need to list the results array.
So I tried this:

atlas accessLists list -o go-template="{{range .results}} {{.ipAddress}} {{end}}"

The error is
Error: template: output:1:8: executing "output" at <.results>: can't evaluate field results in type *admin.PaginatedNetworkAccess

So, I thought I’d try the simplest thing:
atlas accessLists list -o go-template='{{.totalCount}}'

Error: template: output:1:2: executing "output" at <.totalCount>: can't evaluate field totalCount in type *admin.PaginatedNetworkAccess

I wonder, what’s the root object?

$ atlas accessLists list -o go-template='{{.}}'
{0xc000b082b8 0xc000b082d0 0xc000456e20}

So how do I iterate the results list?

Well, by Googling I found the source code for the formatting modules.

Guys, if you are going to advertise Golang formatting in the API, you really need to document somewhere where the models can be found and an example or two. I should not need to output in JSON and guess, or have to go grovelling around a git repo of source.

It turns out that:

  • The field names are capitalised in the Golang type. Who knew? They aren’t in the JSON output.
  • The output is an instance of PaginatedNetworkAccess
  • The Results array in that is an array of NetworkPermissionEntry.

For future Googlers, the links to these are here: https://pkg.go.dev/go.mongodb.org/atlas-sdk/v20231115007/admin#PaginatedNetworkAccess and here: https://pkg.go.dev/go.mongodb.org/atlas-sdk/v20231115007/admin#NetworkPermissionEntry

And here is the missing example:

`atlas accessLists list -o go-template="{{range .Results}}{{.Comment}},{{.IpAddress}},{{.CidrBlock}}

Note the embedded newline to get the output to appear on separate lines.

It is not possible to use printf “%s” as these values are *strings not strings, so you just get pointer values (“pointers”??? what is this, C?!)

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