Getting the count of nested array field in Mongo DB

given below is my document structure after a $lookup stage.


“_id”: {
“$oid”: “63be50667a6c91dc6bf00e97”
“textId”: “29563”,

"textValuesTr": [
    "_id": {
      "$oid": "63be50667a6c91dc6bf00e97"
    "textId": "29563",
    "localeCode": "en-ZZ",
    "textValues": [
        "textPart": "PTYPE-001",
        "status": "source"
        "textPart": "PTYPE-002",
        "status": "source"
        "textPart": "PTYPE-003",
        "status": "source"
        "textPart": "PTYPE-004",
        "status": "source"
    "_id": {
      "$oid": "63be54a6dc5b5823d4b2458b"
    "textId": "29563",
    "localeCode": "es-ES",
    "textValues": [
        "textPart": "PTYPE-001",
        "status": "Translated"
        "textPart": "PTYPE-002",
        "status": "Translated"
        "textPart": "PTYPE-003",
        "status": "Translated"
        "textPart": "PTYPE-004",
        "status": "Translated"




“_id”: {
“$oid”: “63be506d7a6c91dc6bf072fe”
“textId”: “0049912”,
“textValuesTr”: [
“_id”: {
“$oid”: “63be506d7a6c91dc6bf072fe”
“textId”: “0049912”,
“localeCode”: “en-ZZ”,
“textValues”: [
“status”: “source”
“_id”: {
“$oid”: “63be54badc5b5823d4b2a564”

    "textId": "0049912",
    "localeCode": "es-ES",
    "textValues": [
        "status": "Translated"


I want to calculate the count of translated documents and count of user
I tried using $group aggregation inside &facet but it is not giving the expected output.

aggregation tried for status count is


status_cnt: [
$group: {
_id: {
$let: {
vars: {
item: {
$arrayElemAt: [
in: “$$item.status”,
count1: {
$sum: 1,

It is giving the Output as:-
“status_cnt”: [

  "_id": [
  "count1": 1
  "_id": [
  "count1": 1


But I want the output in the below format

“status_cnt”: [
“_id”: [
“count1”: 2

Please help me.


Thank God! I got a solution that best matches my requirement.

I just used two $project stages to manipulate the nested array field using $arrayElemAt before $facet stage. Currently it is working fine for me.

Thank you.

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