Let me explain my use case first:
I have 30 databases and each contains approximately 150 collections. I wrote a bash script to dump all the collections of all these databases based on an specified query. While running the bash script I am getting the following errors sometimes (approximately getting the error once for 30 collections).
Failed: can’t create session: failed to connect to {CONNECTION_STRING} connection() error occurred during connection handshake: context deadline exceeded.
Failed: can’t create session: failed to connect to {CONNECTION_STRING} connection() error occurred during connection handshake: dial tcp: lookup i/o timeout.
As we can’t execute dump for more than one collection for an specific query in a single command and I have a large amount of collection to dump, I have intentionally executed dump command in bash script parallelly to make the process faster. I have tried a fix which was sleeping for 1s after executing each dump command, but that took a large time to complete the dump!
Mentioning my bash script below:
set -e
dumpAllClientDB() {
All_Client_DB=($(jq -r '.AllDemoDB[]' config.json))
QUERY="{\"CompanyId\": \"${ChoosenCompanyId}\"}"
GET_COLLECTION_COMMAND="var collections = db.getCollectionNames(); \
for (var i = 0; i < collections.length; i++) { \
print(collections[i]); \
for db in "${All_Client_DB[@]}";
echo "Dumping ${db} database for CompanyId ${ChoosenCompanyId}..."
DB_COLLECTIONS=$("mongosh" "$CONNECTION_STRING/$db-Client" --quiet --eval "$GET_COLLECTION_COMMAND" | tr -d "',[]")
# Start multiple background processes
for collection in $DB_COLLECTIONS;
echo "Dumping ${collection} collection..."
mongodump --uri="$CONNECTION_STRING" --db "$db-Client" --collection ${collection} --query "$QUERY" --readPreference secondary --out ${DEMO_TEMPLATE_ID} &
# Wait for all background processes to complete
for pid in "${bg_process_ids[@]}"; do
wait "$pid"
echo -n "mongodump completed successfully."
ChoosenCompanyId=$(jq -r --arg key "${DEMO_TEMPLATE_ID}_companyId" '.[$key]' config.json)
mkdir -p ${DEMO_TEMPLATE_ID}
What can be the probable solution for the problem mentioned above? Or suggest me an alternative approach for my use-case keeping in mind that I have to dump data by a job not manually.