Get the tmp values which are stable for one hours

Hi Team, I am using V 4.4.,
I had collection, which contains the fields of temperature values, createdOn and state Id, I have to get the records where the tmp values are stable for more than 1 hours, Is there a way to get the result. Any help in this matter. For example if tmp value 12.0 degress is registered at 2022-12-14T00:00:03.086Z and the same tmp value is still stable upto at 2022-12-14T01:00:03.086Z those records have to get . Hope get my need, Kindly do needfull in this matter. Following is the attachment for your reference.

home_out.csv (70.9 KB)

Please provide sample documents in JSON so that we can cut-n-paste directly in our system.

Hi Steevej,
Please find the attached json file as per the requirement.
home_out.json (318.9 KB)

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This is my third attempt at this. I cancelled the previous replies I was going to post because I was finding fundamental flaws that would make each of my previous solutions to fail. Now I got it. It is rough on the edge and would need clean-up. But keeping some of the fields until clean-up helps debugging and understanding.

The approach is that for each reading, I $lookup for all reading that falls within the following 1 hour. Using $facet, I split the readings withing the same hour into same tmp and different tmp.

Start with some variable to make the code cleaner:

collection_name = "sensors" 

stable_period = { "amount" : 1 , "unit" : "hour"  }

First stage is $unwind as tmp is an array.

_unwind_tmp  = { "$unwind" : "$tmp" }

Then, we set a temporary field in the document that is the end of the stable period.

/* note that I use the variable stable_period to set arguments
   to the $dateAdd so the field names in stable_period must match
   the one used by $dateAdd
_set_end = { "$set" : {
	"_end" : { "$dateAdd" : {
		"startDate" : "$createdOn" ,
	} }
} }

The meat of the whole thing is a $lookup into itself to find other readings that fall withing the stable period (1 hour is this case). Basically we collect all reading withing the stable period and use $facet to split the reading into the same tmp and different tmp.

_lookup = { "$lookup" : {
	"from" : collection_name ,
	"as" : "_period" ,
	"let" : {
		"start" : "$createdOn" ,
		"end" : "$_end" ,
		"tmp" : "$tmp"
	} ,
	"pipeline" : [ 
		/* the $set here is optional, but I like to keep temporary values for debugging 
		   it was added because the $match after did not work the first time
		   so I needed to see if I was testing with the appropriate values
		{ "$set" : {
			"_debug_start" : "$$start" ,
			"_debug_end" : "$$end" ,
			"_debug_tmp" : "$$tmp"
		} } ,
		{ "$match" : { "$expr" : { "$and" : [
			{ "$gt" : [ "$createdOn" , "$$start" ] } ,
			{ "$lte" : [ "$createdOn" , "$$end" ] }
		] } } } ,
		_unwind_tmp ,
		{ "$facet" : {
			"_same_tmp" : [ { "$match" : {
				"$expr" : { "$eq" : [ "$tmp" , "$$tmp" ] }
			} } ] ,
			"_diff_tmp" :  [
				{ "$match" : {
					"$expr" : { "$ne" : [ "$tmp" ,"$$tmp" ] }
				} } ,
				{ "$limit" : 1 }
		} }
} }

Then we $unwind _period because we know there is only 1 document with the 2 facets and it is easier to work with.

_unwind_period = { "$unwind" : "$_period" }

The final $match for stable periods.

_match_stable = { "$match" : {
    "_period._diff_tmp.0" : { "$exists" : false }
} }

Running the pipeline

[ _unwind_tmp , _set_end , _lookup , _unwind_period , _match_stable ]

provided the following only 1-hour stable period

{ _id: ObjectId("639ff4b553ba7b7edfc8f922"),
  stateId: 795,
  tmp: 24.93,
  createdOn: 2022-12-14T00:40:42.069Z,
  _end: 2022-12-14T01:40:42.069Z,
  _period: { _same_tmp: [], _diff_tmp: [] } }

Thanks for the challenge.

Hi Steevej,
Thanks for your effort that you had kept on this. I can understand the effors to bring the results. I has been working randomly on this and
I was test in my environment and get to know the code is working in 5.0 version where in my environment i amd using 4.4, is there a way to get this code in 4.4. It will be more helpfull.


According to Quick Start: BSON Data Types - Date | MongoDB, the precision is milliseconds. This means that a $dateAdd of 1 hour, is equivalent to an $add of 1 hour * 60 minutes * 60 seconds * 1000 miliseconds.