Flexible sync have multiple fields for document level read permission with $or

I’m trying to get a collection to have read permissions based on two fields.

Here is my Rule:

      "name": "read-only",
      "apply_when": {},
      "document_filters": {
        "write": false,
        "read": {
          "$or": [
              "parentOrgId": "%%user.custom_data.organisation.idstring"
              "childOrgid": "%%user.custom_data.organisation.idstring"
      "read": true,
      "write": false,
      "insert": false,
      "delete": false,
      "search": false

My queryable fields has parentOrgId, childOrgId

But I have an error banner saying my config is invalid.

“The following config options are incompatible with Sync: document_filters.read.”

This doc doesn’t list the $or expansion in Sync-Compatible Expansions.

But this doc shows $or being used.

I also saw this topic, has this sync issue not been fixed yet?


Ah… I had a lowercase i my bad.

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