I try to use FindOneAndUpdate in C# with linq expression but I don’t find how to do it.
public class Task4
public ObjectId _id;
public int state = 0;
public DateTime start;
}var t4 = await collection.FindOneAndUpdateAsync(
_ => _._id == id && .state == searchState, <= Problem here
.Set( => .state, state)
.CurrentDate( => _.start, UpdateDefinitionCurrentDateType.Date),
new FindOneAndUpdateOptions<Task4, Task4>() <= or here ?
ReturnDocument = ReturnDocument.After
cancellationToken: cancel
But it’s impossible and I don’t find how to fix that.
I get the error
error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: ‘IMongoCollectionExtensions.FindOneAndUpdateAsync(IMongoCollection, Expression<Func<TDocument, bool>>, UpdateDefinition, FindOneAndUpdateOptions<TDocument, TDocument>, CancellationToken)’ and ‘IMongoCollectionExtensions.FindOneAndUpdateAsync<TDocument, TProjection>(IMongoCollection, Expression<Func<TDocument, bool>>, UpdateDefinition, FindOneAndUpdateOptions<TDocument, TProjection>, CancellationToken)’
If you want the full project get it here
Thanks for your help.