Find subarryas in arrays data

  "botID": 2003633449,
  "userid": [
      "_id": {
        "$oid": "6234a83f9938ad0f78e5e24d"
      "tgid": 923886862,
      "exam_year": 2023,
      "stream": "maths",
      "phone_no": null,
      "datetime": 1647618111906,
      "pendingpdf": [
          "_id": {
            "$oid": "6234a85d9938ad0f78e5e253"
          "requestid": "923886862007001",
          "filename": "One",
          "fileid": "BQACAgUAAxkBAAJFm2I0qFjHzh9CYWzN2zGcQkIMZpO1AAK4BQACI4mBVP87Va014mKqIwQ",
          "bid": 7,
          "botssendpdf_messageid": 17822,
          "buttonpath": "Pdf Location = nine",
          "submitdatetime": 1647618141031
          "_id": {
            "$oid": "6234a8d7354e484568a437cb"
          "requestid": "923886862009001",
          "filename": "Jukks",
          "fileid": "BQACAgUAAxkBAAJFq2I0qMnLU5WIL_79DYl253RlrcdiAAJCBgACnQSYVZqPhGMUj0WNIwQ",
          "bid": 9,
          "botssendpdf_messageid": 17838,
          "buttonpath": "Pdf Location = nine > rum",
          "submitdatetime": 1647618263459
          "_id": {
            "$oid": "6234aa01c9f2fa1114c29c7c"
          "requestid": "9238868620010001",
          "filename": "Buv",
          "fileid": "BQACAgUAAxkBAAJFvGI0qfY5i0n4AAFhlxn8YS3CSHHXpgACQgYAAp0EmFWaj4RjFI9FjSME",
          "bid": 10,
          "botssendpdf_messageid": 17855,
          "buttonpath": "Pdf Location = nine > rum > eeee",
          "submitdatetime": 1647618561129
          "_id": {
            "$oid": "6234c418c5c6693ab84f1d42"
          "requestid": "923886862009001",
          "filename": "www",
          "fileid": "BQACAgUAAxkBAAJGU2I0xBJ4kIxDD_wXKP9aOayAcqPfAAJEBAACbJCAVOPMLu8qKcd8IwQ",
          "bid": 9,
          "botssendpdf_messageid": 18006,
          "buttonpath": "Pdf Location = nine > rum",
          "submitdatetime": 1647625240367
          "_id": {
            "$oid": "6234c465c5c6693ab84f1d6d"
          "requestid": "9238868620010001",
          "filename": "ddd",
          "fileid": "BQACAgUAAxkBAAJGeGI0xGBoB_3pyUlsozMoll38KL3LAALDBgACQLKJVZid9i3_J4ovIwQ",
          "bid": 10,
          "botssendpdf_messageid": 18043,
          "buttonpath": "Pdf Location = nine > rum > eeee",
          "submitdatetime": 1647625317087
      "approvedpdf": []

The above dict is my mongodb document .

I need to get data using below condition .

"botId" = 2003633449 and
"tgid" = 923886862 and
"bid" = 7

Any mongodb query for it?

I need mongoshell command for it. Any method to do it?

I tried $elemnetmatch , $and operators using do this. But results is null. Anyone can give example to above 3 conditions using get data from above my mongodb document .

1 Like


You can do it like this:

  "botID": 2003633449,
  "userid.tgid": 923886862,
  "": 7

Working example

1 Like

"": 7 condition not working

So you don’t want to return whole document, but also to filter an array?

i need to return below output

[ { "_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"), "botID": 2.0036349e+07, "userid": [ { "_id": ObjectId("6234a83f9938ad0f78e5e24d"), "approvedpdf": [], "datetime": 1.647618111906e+12, "exam_year": 20230, "pendingpdf": [ { "_id": ObjectId("6234a85d9938ad0f78e5e253"), "bid": 7, "botssendpdf_messageid": 17822, "buttonpath": "Pdf Location = nine", "fileid": "BQACAgUAAxkBAAJFm2I0qFjHzh9CYWzN2zGcQkIMZpO1AAK4BQACI4mBVP87Va014mKqIwQ", "filename": "One", "requestid": "923886862007001", "submitdatetime": 1.647618141031e+12 } ], "phone_no": null, "stream": "marrs", "tgid": 92362 } ] } ]

i need to return below output

You can do it with Aggregation Framework:

  • $match - To match all documents by botID field
  • $set with $filter - To filter userid array by tgid items property
  • $set with map and $filter - To filter nested pendingpdf array by bid items property
    "$match": {
      "botID": 2003633449
    "$set": {
      "userid": {
        "$filter": {
          "input": "$userid",
          "cond": {
            "$eq": [
    "$set": {
      "userid": {
        "$map": {
          "input": "$userid",
          "in": {
            "_id": "$$this._id",
            "tgid": "$$this.tgid",
            "exam_year": "$$this.exam_year",
            "stream": "$$",
            "phone_no": "$$this.phone_no",
            "datetime": "$$this.datetime",
            "approvedpdf": "$$this.approvedpdf",
            "pendingpdf": {
              "$filter": {
                "input": "$$this.pendingpdf",
                "as": "pdf",
                "cond": {
                  "$eq": [

Working example

1 Like

Thank You Very much

1 Like

I need to delete nested array object using below condition .

"botId" = 2003633449 and
"tgid" = 923886862 and
"requestid": "923886862007001"

I need Delete Below Object
{ "_id": { "$oid": "6234a85d9938ad0f78e5e253" }, "requestid": "923886862007001", "filename": "One", "fileid": "BQACAgUAAxkBAAJFm2I0qFjHzh9CYWzN2zGcQkIMZpO1AAK4BQACI4mBVP87Va014mKqIwQ", "bid": 7, "botssendpdf_messageid": 17822, "buttonpath": "Pdf Location = nine", "submitdatetime": 1647618141031 }

Any mongodb query for it?

can use findoneandupdate method?

@NeNaD can You Again Help me :cry:


You can do it like this:

  "botID": 2003633449
    "$set": {
      "userid": {
        "$map": {
          "input": "$userid",
          "as": "user",
          "in": {
            "$cond": {
              "if": {
                "$eq": [
              "then": {
                "_id": "$$user._id",
                "tgid": "$$user.tgid",
                "exam_year": "$$user.exam_year",
                "stream": "$$",
                "phone_no": "$$user.phone_no",
                "datetime": "$$user.datetime",
                "approvedpdf": "$$user.approvedpdf",
                "pendingpdf": {
                  "$filter": {
                    "input": "$$user.pendingpdf",
                    "as": "pdf",
                    "cond": {
                      "$ne": [
              "else": "$user"

Working example

Kindly Check This


There was a typo in previous version. Instead of $user it should be $$user.

  "botID": 2003633449
    "$set": {
      "userid": {
        "$map": {
          "input": "$userid",
          "as": "user",
          "in": {
            "$cond": {
              "if": {
                "$eq": [
              "then": {
                "_id": "$$user._id",
                "tgid": "$$user.tgid",
                "exam_year": "$$user.exam_year",
                "stream": "$$",
                "phone_no": "$$user.phone_no",
                "datetime": "$$user.datetime",
                "approvedpdf": "$$user.approvedpdf",
                "pendingpdf": {
                  "$filter": {
                    "input": "$$user.pendingpdf",
                    "as": "pdf",
                    "cond": {
                      "$ne": [
              "else": "$$user"

Working example

1 Like

Thank You very much

can You Tell Me How To Learn This Queries? Any resource link to like this advance queries


I think you can check some official MongoDB courses.

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