Find documents inserted in a command


In my log file there some commands that inserted 999 documents in one of my collection. However, there are no field described in the log file. How I find these documents in my collection?

This is an example:

    "t": {
        "$date": "2023-05-01T18:01:49.049+00:00"
    "s": "I",
    "c": "COMMAND",
    "id": 51803,
    "ctx": "conn53",
    "msg": "Slow query",
    "attr": {
        "type": "command",
        "ns": "BI.SubscriptionEventSummaryDaily",
        "command": {
            "insert": "SubscriptionEventSummaryDaily",
            "documents": 999,
            "ordered": true,
            "writeConcern": {
                "w": "majority"
            "lsid": {
                "id": {
                    "$uuid": "7c1c9486-634b-0331-b745-9da678b7u7af"
            "txnNumber": 73,
            "$clusterTime": {
                "clusterTime": {
                    "$timestamp": {
                        "t": 1682964101,
                        "i": 19
                "signature": {
                    "hash": {
                        "$binary": {
                            "base64": "WtDDg8+6iS3ynWsDw4vE5kgD2XXX",
                            "subType": "0"
                    "keyId": 7178507862000077377
            "$db": "AirBI"
        "ninserted": 999,
        "keysInserted": 1998,
        "numYields": 0,
        "reslen": 230,
        "locks": {
            "ParallelBatchWriterMode": {
                "acquireCount": {
                    "r": 4
            "FeatureCompatibilityVersion": {
                "acquireCount": {
                    "w": 4
            "ReplicationStateTransition": {
                "acquireCount": {
                    "w": 5
            "Global": {
                "acquireCount": {
                    "w": 4
            "Database": {
                "acquireCount": {
                    "w": 4
            "Collection": {
                "acquireCount": {
                    "w": 4
            "Mutex": {
                "acquireCount": {
                    "r": 4
        "flowControl": {
            "acquireCount": 2,
            "timeAcquiringMicros": 4
        "readConcern": {
            "level": "local",
            "provenance": "implicitDefault"
        "writeConcern": {
            "w": "majority",
            "wtimeout": 0,
            "provenance": "clientSupplied"
        "storage": {
            "data": {
                "bytesRead": 25111,
                "timeReadingMicros": 1369
        "remote": "XXX",
        "protocol": "op_msg",
        "durationMillis": 350

I can’t think of a way to do this on mongodb server side other than checking (it’s capped though).

oplog should have all necessary information as it’s for replication. Try it. (maybe the info is still there.)