Filtering data in collection containing documents with 3 level nested arrays depending on the values in the first and last nested array mongo

I appreciate any help in such case. Collection in MongoDB (now only 2 documents for demonstration purpose):

    "_id" : ObjectId("62684847e9594c65cbaa5d85"), 
    "agentId" : NumberInt(1), 
    "agentName" : "Yardi Gaondi", 
    "policyList" : [
            "receivedDate" : ISODate("2022-03-23T04:46:15.000+0000"), 
            "policyStatusDetail" : [
                    "policyStsCode" : NumberInt(7), 
                    "policiesArray" : [
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(1), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-02-20T04:46:15.000+0000")
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(2), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-01-19T05:46:15.000+0000")
            "receivedDate" : ISODate("2022-03-23T04:46:15.000+0000"), 
            "policyStatusDetail" : [
                    "policyStsCode" : NumberInt(7), 
                    "policiesArray" : [
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(3), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-01-16T04:46:15.000+0000")
            "receivedDate" : ISODate("2022-02-23T04:46:15.000+0000"), 
            "policyStatusDetail" : [
                    "policyStsCode" : NumberInt(7), 
                    "policiesArray" : [
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(1), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-01-20T04:46:15.000+0000")
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(2), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-01-19T05:46:15.000+0000")
    "_id" : ObjectId("62684847e9594c65cbaa5d86"), 
    "agentId" : NumberInt(2), 
    "agentName" : "Michelle Hazandi", 
    "policyList" : [
            "receivedDate" : ISODate("2022-04-10T04:46:15.000+0000"), 
            "policyStatusDetail" : [
                    "policyStsCode" : NumberInt(7), 
                    "policiesArray" : [
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(2), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-04-09T05:46:15.000+0000")
            "receivedDate" : ISODate("2022-03-10T04:46:15.000+0000"), 
            "policyStatusDetail" : [
                    "policyStsCode" : NumberInt(7), 
                    "policiesArray" : [
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(2), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-03-09T05:46:15.000+0000")

I appreciate any help in such case. Collection in MongoDB (now only 2 documents for demonstration purpose):

    "_id" : ObjectId("62684847e9594c65cbaa5d85"), 
    "agentId" : NumberInt(1), 
    "agentName" : "Yardi Gaondi", 
    "policyList" : [
            "receivedDate" : ISODate("2022-03-23T04:46:15.000+0000"), 
            "policyStatusDetail" : [
                    "policyStsCode" : NumberInt(7), 
                    "policiesArray" : [
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(1), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-02-20T04:46:15.000+0000")
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(2), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-01-19T05:46:15.000+0000")
            "receivedDate" : ISODate("2022-03-23T04:46:15.000+0000"), 
            "policyStatusDetail" : [
                    "policyStsCode" : NumberInt(7), 
                    "policiesArray" : [
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(3), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-01-16T04:46:15.000+0000")
            "receivedDate" : ISODate("2022-02-23T04:46:15.000+0000"), 
            "policyStatusDetail" : [
                    "policyStsCode" : NumberInt(7), 
                    "policiesArray" : [
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(1), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-01-20T04:46:15.000+0000")
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(2), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-01-19T05:46:15.000+0000")
    "_id" : ObjectId("62684847e9594c65cbaa5d86"), 
    "agentId" : NumberInt(2), 
    "agentName" : "Michelle Hazandi", 
    "policyList" : [
            "receivedDate" : ISODate("2022-04-10T04:46:15.000+0000"), 
            "policyStatusDetail" : [
                    "policyStsCode" : NumberInt(7), 
                    "policiesArray" : [
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(2), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-04-09T05:46:15.000+0000")
            "receivedDate" : ISODate("2022-03-10T04:46:15.000+0000"), 
            "policyStatusDetail" : [
                    "policyStsCode" : NumberInt(7), 
                    "policiesArray" : [
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(2), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-03-09T05:46:15.000+0000")

So collection consists of 2 documents, in each document there is a field “policyList” which is an array of objects. In first document policyList contains 3 objects, in second document only two. So I have to filter documents in this collection in such way: 1) I need to keep in the “policyList” array only those objects that match to such condition: one of the fields are in a certain time interval, which means that must be a match in at least one of the fields(first field is “receivedDate” - which is located in the array at the first level of nesting - “policyList” or second field “policyStatusDate” - which is located in the array at the third level of nesting - “policiesArray”, and if there is a match in one of abovementioned fields we return from the “policyList” full object, that means we cannot throw away from “policiesArray” any object). One match is enough, for example if I want to see documents from 01/02/2022 to 01/03/2022 I expect to see in the first document in the “policyList” array only first and third object, because first object matches by “policyStatusDate” - 20/02/2022 (match in one of the object in “policiesArray” is enough) and third object matches by “receivedDate” - 23/02/2022) and second object in first document I don’t expect to see because both dates in this document are not in the period from 01/02/2022 to 01/03/2022; 2) if there are no any matches among objects in “policyList”, that means “policyList” must be empty after filtering, and in such case we don’t need to return this document. For example if I request for a documents from 01/02/2022 to 01/03/2022 I’m not expecting to see second document, because no “policyStatusDate” and no “receivedDate” are in requested time interval.

My aggregation request:

  $project: {
  "agentId": "$agentId",
  "agentName": "$agentName",
  "policyList": {
      $filter: {
         input: "$policyList",
         as: "item",
         cond: {
         "$or": [
              "$and": [
                { "$gte": [ "$item.receivedDate", ISODate("2022-02-01") ] },
                { "$lte": [ "$item.receivedDate", ISODate("2022-03-01") ] }
               $and": [
                { "$gte": [ "$item.policyStatusDetail.policiesArray.policyStatusDate", ISODate("2022-02-01") ] },
                { "$lte": [ "$item.policyStatusDetail.policiesArray.policyStatusDate", ISODate("2022-03-01") ] }
  $project: {
  "agentId": "$agentId",
  "agentName": "$agentName",
  "policyList": "$policyList",
  "numPoliciesPerDate": {
    $cond: {  
      if: {$isArray: "$policyList"}, then: {$size: "$policyList"}, else: "0"
  $match: {
    "numPoliciesPerDate": {$gte: 1}

After running this query I expect to receive first document with first object and third object in “policyList” array, but I received only third object (there is matching by “receivedDate” in this object ). Result:

    "_id" : ObjectId("62684847e9594c65cbaa5d85"), 
    "agentId" : NumberInt(1), 
    "agentName" : "Yardi Gaondi", 
    "policyList" : [
            "receivedDate" : ISODate("2022-02-23T04:46:15.000+0000"), 
            "policyStatusDetail" : [
                    "policyStsCode" : NumberInt(7), 
                    "policiesArray" : [
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(1), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-01-20T04:46:15.000+0000")
                            "policyDetailedCode" : NumberInt(2), 
                            "policyStatusDate" : ISODate("2022-01-19T05:46:15.000+0000")
    "numPoliciesPerDate" : NumberInt(1)

So it seems that condition

 $and": [
                { "$gte": [ "$item.policyStatusDetail.policiesArray.policyStatusDate", ISODate("2022-02-01") ] },
                { "$lte": [ "$item.policyStatusDetail.policiesArray.policyStatusDate", ISODate("2022-03-01") ] }

doesn’t work correct. I think it’s because it may be impossible to use dot notation when we work with nested arrays. So maybe somebody could help me to fix this aggregation query so that the requirements I described at the beginning will be fullfiled and in our case first object from “policyList” in first document will also be returned?

Hi @Yakov_Markovych
Welcome to the community!!

Can you please help me in understanding the question correctly. As per my understanding, you are trying to return the policy having dates in between x and y irrespective of the level the dates are present in the nested array.

If I understand the question correctly, the aggregation query looks a bit difficult to me and might contain corner cases. This would eventually lead to difficult to maintain the query and effect the performance of the same. In addition, the query will not be able to use indexes, meaning that if you have a large data, the query performance will be slow.

If the query will be uses frequently, you might want to reconsider changing the schema design. Or you might want to refactor into separate collection and also the blog post Schema Design Best Practices might be of use to you as well.

Feel free to post questions if you have any.


Not only this one but this one too

If you look at $filter documentation you will see that you need to use $$item rather than $item.

It’s real case and we cannot change schema, and we are not talking about indexes. at all
Thanks to rickhg12hs from stackoverflow I already get from him an answer that works well.

So solution is:

  { "$set": {
      "policyList": {
        "$filter": {
          "input": "$policyList",
          "as": "policy",
          "cond": {
            "$or": [
              { "$and": [
                  { "$gte": [ "$$policy.receivedDate", ISODate("2022-02-01") ] },
                  { "$lte": [ "$$policy.receivedDate", ISODate("2022-03-01") ] }
              { "$reduce": {
                  "input": "$$policy.policyStatusDetail",
                  "initialValue": false,
                  "in": {
                    "$or": [
                      { "$reduce": {
                          "input": "$$this.policiesArray",
                          "initialValue": false,
                          "in": {
                            "$or": [
                              { "$and": [
                                  { "$gte": [ "$$this.policyStatusDate", ISODate("2022-02-01") ] },
                                  { "$lte": [ "$$this.policyStatusDate", ISODate("2022-03-01") ] }
  { "$match": { "$expr": { "$gt": [ { "$size": "$policyList" }, 0 ] } } }

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