Failed to connect to cluster with compass

I’m trying to connect to cluster with compass, I copied connection string from atlas ui and past it in the compass but it was throwing this error queryTxt ECONNREFUSED then I go to cluster overview and copy one of three hosts and go back to compass and open advance tab and then choose connection string scheme to mongodb instead of mongodb+srv and paste the copied host there and then on the tls and click the save & connect button it connected successfully with these settings but my question is why it is not connecting with default settings.

It’s likely that your internet provider’s DNS does not support SRV queries. Can you try switching to Google’s DNSs (, or Cloudflare’s ( and see if that helps?

I’m working on my practice project made with Nextjs and Mongodb and i deployed it on Vercel and it works great, on previous week i checked it again and see it is stop working because of Mongodb connection error i tried to connect with compass it is also failed.