Express JS unlimited query parameter for Mongodb aggerate?

I’m trying to set an unlimited query parameter in express js.But I couldn’t figure out how should I implement that in my code. I’m using MongoDB aggeration

I want to build unlimited facets searched with multiple $match stage

Which works like this:

'http://localhost:4000/search?text=mango&key=brand&value=rasna' //unlimited facets.
'http://localhost:4000/search?text=mango&key=brand&value=rasna&key=color&value=yellow'  //unlimited facet parameters

Here’s my code to do this:

app.get("/search", async(request, response) => {
    try {
        const textsearch = request.query.text;

        var keystore = request.query.key;      //storing `key` in 'keystore'
        var valuestore = request.query.value;  //storing `value` in `valuestore`

        if (keystore, valuestore) {

            facetjson = [
                '$match': {
                    [keystore]: `${valuestore}`  //Storing key and value in $match

            const Pipeline = [{
                    '$search': {
                        'text': {
                            'query': `${textsearch}`,
                            'path': 'title',
                    '$limit': 5

            //Pushing 'facetjson' array into Pipeline array to make a filtered search possible.

            const newitem = insert(Pipeline, Pipeline.length - 1, facetjson) 

            let result = collection.aggregate(newitem).toArray();
        } else {
            const Pipeline = [{
                    '$search': {
                        'text': {
                            'query': `${textsearch}`,
                            'path': 'title',
                    '$limit': 5
            let result = collection.aggregate(Pipeline).toArray();
    } catch (error) {
        response.status(500).send({ message: error.message });

(JSFIDDLE code Example)[Unlimited faceted search - JSFiddle - Code Playground]

==> I know that I’ve to pass $match in the Pipeline array each time for single Key , Value Pair. Doing many google searches I’ve figured out that I’ve to use the Rest Parameter (...keystore,...valuestore). But it also not working for some reason. Have you guys any better idea to do solve this problem?