$expr: compare array elements in same array in a document

Please help. I have a collection with this structure :point_down:

  _id: '56d5f7eb604eb380b0d8d8f4',
  student_id: 3,
  scores: [
    { type: 'exam', score: 3.4282246207776534 },
    { type: 'quiz', score: 47.68229836664158 },
    { type: 'homework', score: 55.679287253068345 },
    { type: 'homework', score: 48.45477512309168 },
  class_id: 446,

I have a query that should return the scores for exams greater than scores for the quiz: point_down:
but it does not work. Please help

This is the query:

  $expr: {
   $gt: [
     scores: {
      $elemMatch: {
       type: 'exam'
     scores: {
      $elemMatch: {
       type: 'quiz'

Hello @Musa_Gabriel,

You can use aggregation array operator like $filter or $reduce to compare array elements and return the result. These array operators work like iterators (like iterating in a for-loop on a JavaScript or Java array field). See the examples, for the two operators in the MongoDB Manual.

The $elemMatch cannot be used within the $expr, as $expr takes only the aggregate operators as arguments.

@Prasad_Saya thank you for the feedback. It is really helpful! now I have gone to the documentation and chose the $filter operator and wrote this query:

scores: {
cond:{ $gt:["$scores.score","$scores.score"]}


However, my question is how do I compare the score for the two types of entries (ie type: “exam” and type: “quiz”) so that I filter only “exam” scores which are greater than “quiz” scores for the same student. Help and feedback is much appreciated


Your goal is to get the scores of exam greater then that of the quiz, so first find the quiz score.

quiz_score: {
        input: "$scores",
        cond: { $eq:[ "$$this.type", "quiz" ] }

Verify the output, and the $filter returns an array. And you can get the first element of the array using the $arrayElemAt operator, and use the value in the next stage.

In the next step, get the exam scores greater than the quiz score:

exam_scores: {
        input: "$scores",
        cond: { 
            $and: [ 
                { $eq:[ "$$this.type", "exam" ] },
                { $gt: [ "$$this.score", "$quiz_score" ] }

Please format the code you are posting.


@Prasad_Saya , I appreciate the help. After pondering on the idea of using some arrays operators I have finally found the solution in the $slice operator. The query below gave me the results I expected! It is amazing!! Thank you



    $project: {

      student_id: 1,

      class_id: 1,

      _id: 1,

      exam: {

        $slice: ['$scores', 0, 1],


      quiz: {

        $slice: ['$scores', 1, 1],





    $match: {

      $expr: {

        $gt: ['$exam.score', '$quiz.score'],





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