Error using $push in aggregation in Kotlin application using mongo 5.0.13

I am trying to do a pivot table in my kotlin application, and I have the stages working in compass, going to my collection, but when I convert this to kotlin I get the following error.

      "_id": {
        "status": "$_id.status"
      "data": {
        "$push": {
          "$cond": [
                  "$ne": [
              "k": "$_id.status",
              "v": "$count"
              "k": "Blank",
              "v": "$count"

This is the kotlin code:
val stage4 = "{ '_id': { 'status': '\$_id.status' }, 'data': { '\$push': { '\$cond': [ { '\$ne': [ '\$_id.status',null ] }, { 'k': '\$_id.status', 'v': '\$count' }, {'k': 'Blank', 'v': '\$count' } ] } } } "

And I add this result to the list: group(Document.parse(stage4))

And I get this error.
The full response is {“ok”: 0.0, “errmsg”: “Unrecognized expression ‘$push’”, “code”: 168, “codeName”: “InvalidPipelineOperator”}"