I try update data
date: ISODate('2024-08-08T14:58:13.098Z'),
text: 'fdgdgfdg',
_id: ObjectId('66b4dd0565239f72c011cab7'),
email: 'ploykas@gmail.com'
date: ISODate('2024-08-08T15:27:18.292Z'),
text: 'g5gtgrtg',
_id: ObjectId('66b4e3d665239f72c011cab8'),
email: 'ploykas@gmail.com'
date: ISODate('2024-08-08T16:36:20.651Z'),
text: 'sadas sdcfsdfd d wkjdnwd w dowiud we xwoi d d we dwpediwdipwepidcwe',
_id: ObjectId('66b4f40465239f72c011cab9'),
email: 'ploykas@gmail.com',
reading: false
I give this command
and I take error message
MongoServerError: Cannot perform an update on a time-series collection that does not have a metaField
Can You help me someobe?