Error connecting to database!

I am try to connect my python to mongo db but getting this error .
i have create a user for rohan .

> show users;
        "_id" : "test.rohan",
        "userId" : UUID("c12dcc3e-d791-4886-8e3d-0c316fd5a009"),
        "user" : "rohan",
        "db" : "test",
        "roles" : [
                        "role" : "readWrite",
                        "db" : "config"
        "mechanisms" : [

Error detail: command SON([(‘authenticate’, 1), (‘user’, ‘rohan’), (‘nonce’, ‘ddd2127c331e77c1’), (‘key’, ‘fc7cc53585111f5050a68990614e3e26’)]
database.conf file

database_type               = mongodb
server                      = localhost
port                        = 27017
database                    = test
privileged_account          = rohan
privileged_account_password = root
application_account         = apprunuser    
configuration_file          = /etc/mongod.conf

The user need to be created on admin db and give necessary privileges on the db you want to access
You have created it on test db and gave access to config db?

So i need to create user inside the admin db .
first i need to do mongo
use admin
create db flower;
then create user

			user: "rohan3",
			pwd:  "root3",
			{ role:"userAdmin",db:"flower"},
			] } );

This process i need to follow ?

Thanks for Time