"error":"cannot find app using Client App ID"

I am running into the following intermitently error while using mongodb data API. This is run via Google App Scripts.

Exception: Request failed for https://data.mongodb-api.com returned code 404. 

Truncated server response: {"error":"cannot find app using Client App ID 'data-rrmea'"} 

(use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response)

It works for some requests and fails for other. Any idea what could be going wrong here? Thanks.

hey @Alan_Mathew can you share your appId URL with me please so I can take a look? The URL of your data api in a web browser would work

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Hi Ian. Sure thing - https://us-west-2.aws.data.mongodb-api.com/app/data-rrmea/endpoint/data/v1. Please let me know if you need anything else.

This is working as expected, you should not be using the global URL (data.mongodb-api.com) but instead the regional URL for their single region app (https://us-west-2.aws.data.mongodb-api.com/app/data-rrmea/endpoint/data/v1) - you have your Data API configuration set to a single local region in AWS Oregon. That’s where you need to be querying

Where did you get the URL you are querying?

Thanks for letting me know. The URL that I was querying, I got it by navigating to “Data API” on the left hand side of my mongodb console.

The URL that you provided, I see in the under the “Settings” tab of “Data API”, next to “Data API Supported Versions”.

Quick update: After using the endpoint that you provided, it is working as expected.