Equi join in MongoDB

How to do equi join in MongoDB, $lookup is giving left join result

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Hi @vinodkumar_Mallikarj,

$lookup is the equivalent of the SQL join which is a left outer join.
Can you please elaborate your question so we can find a solution?

Can you share maybe a few documents (just the important fields) from your 2 collections and the output documents you are expecting so we can try to write this aggregation pipeline for you or at least give you some directions?


Check this out,looks like solution,if you want more complicated join condition,see $lookup with
pipeline maybe.

            $match: {
                "issue_type": "CRASH",
                "zipfile.zip_file_dt_tm": {$gte: "2015-01-01", $lte : "2020-01-01"} ,
                "client.client_mnemonic": { $in: ["AL", "CEC"] },
                "client.domain_name": { $in: ["P3", "P94"] },
                "fin.program_name" : "wmse.exe"// Application column
            $lookup: {
                from: "TEAM",
                localField: "Issues.fin.program_name",
                foreignField: "TEAM.COMPONENT",
                as: "teams"
            $match: {
                "teams.ORGANIZATION": "Recle",
                "teams.DEPARTMENT": "Dev",
                "teams.TEAM_NAME": "Sing",
                "teams.BUSINESS_UNIT": "SDev"
            $group: {
                _id: "$zipfile.zip_file_dt_tm",
                Fincnt: { $addToSet: "$fin.fingerprint_id" },
				clientcnt: { $addToSet: "$client.client_mnemonic" }
            $project: {
                F_Count: { $size: "$Fincnt" },
                C_cnt: { $size: "$clientcnt" }
            $sort: {_id :1}

I have used the condition "teams":{$ne:[]}, still the query is returning the records.

Actually the query should not return any records as the teams collection does not contain any records with the COMPONENT column value “wmse.exe”