Enhance Performance for 1 Million records

I am using a collection with aprox 0.5 Million documents inside the collection.
I just want to get the sum of the some of columns on the whole collection with one lookup where I need to filter based on that lookup collection.
My concern is that for only 0.5 million records the query take about 1 min time to execute it.
I have also used the indexed on the columns but still it takes this much time.
What is the issue with and what’s wrong with it?
Is there any suggestion or idea how to improve the performance?

My Collections:

  1. Journey [ Contains 0.5 Million records ]
  2. Vehicles [ Lookup collection ] [ where I need to check the status must match with the given array ]
  3. Group by journey.time and sum of columns

Hello @Ghanshyam_Ashra ,

Welcome to The MongoDB Community Forums! :wave:

Could you please help me with below details to get better understanding of your query slowness?

  • What is the exact version of your MongoDB?
  • Please run your query with explain in executionStats mode (e.g. `db.collection.explain(‘executionStats’).aggregate(…)) and share the output.
  • Some sample documents
  • Query you are using
  • What are the indexes you define in all the relevant collections

Along with information about the query and collections, could you also provide some information about your hardware specifications and server

  • What are the hardware specifications?
  • What is your deployment topology (e.g. standalone, replica set, sharded cluster)?
  • Is your mongod server sharing resources with other processes such as other applications running on same server, other server processes or even other mongod processes?


1 Like

@Tarun_Gaur Thanks for the attention.

My Mongodb version is: MongoDB server version: 4.2.23-rc0. MongoDB compass is version 1.33.0.

Explain Response:

{ stages:

   [ { '$cursor':

        { query:

           { start_time:

              { '$gte': 2022-09-06T04:28:31.779Z,

                '$lte': 2022-10-06T04:28:31.779Z } },


           { distance: 1,

             harsh_breaking_counts: 1,

             idling_counts: 1,

             rpm_counts: 1,

             speeding_incident_counts: 1,

             start_time: 1,

             vehicle_id: 1,

             _id: 0 },


           { plannerVersion: 1,

             namespace: 'kpi_rps.journeys',

             indexFilterSet: false,


              { '$and':

                 [ { start_time: { '$lte': 2022-10-06T04:28:31.779Z } },

                   { start_time: { '$gte': 2022-09-06T04:28:31.779Z } } ] },

             queryHash: '1367AE20',

             planCacheKey: '4A44DFBB',


              { stage: 'FETCH',


                 { stage: 'IXSCAN',

                   keyPattern: { start_time: 1 },

                   indexName: 'start_time_1',

                   isMultiKey: false,

                   multiKeyPaths: { start_time: [] },

                   isUnique: false,

                   isSparse: false,

                   isPartial: false,

                   indexVersion: 2,

                   direction: 'forward',

                   indexBounds: { start_time: [ '[{ $date: { $numberLong: "1662438511779" } }, { $date: { $numberLong: "1665030511779" } }]' ] } } },

             rejectedPlans: [] },


           { executionSuccess: true,

             nReturned: 0,

             executionTimeMillis: 2,

             totalKeysExamined: 0,

             totalDocsExamined: 0,


              { stage: 'FETCH',

                nReturned: 0,

                executionTimeMillisEstimate: 0,

                works: 1,

                advanced: 0,

                needTime: 0,

                needYield: 0,

                saveState: 1,

                restoreState: 1,

                isEOF: 1,

                docsExamined: 0,

                alreadyHasObj: 0,


                 { stage: 'IXSCAN',

                   nReturned: 0,

                   executionTimeMillisEstimate: 0,

                   works: 1,

                   advanced: 0,

                   needTime: 0,

                   needYield: 0,

                   saveState: 1,

                   restoreState: 1,

                   isEOF: 1,

                   keyPattern: { start_time: 1 },

                   indexName: 'start_time_1',

                   isMultiKey: false,

                   multiKeyPaths: { start_time: [] },

                   isUnique: false,

                   isSparse: false,

                   isPartial: false,

                   indexVersion: 2,

                   direction: 'forward',

                   indexBounds: { start_time: [ '[{ $date: { $numberLong: "1662438511779" } }, { $date: { $numberLong: "1665030511779" } }]' ] },

                   keysExamined: 0,

                   seeks: 1,

                   dupsTested: 0,

                   dupsDropped: 0 } } } } },

     { '$lookup':

        { from: 'vehicles',

          as: 'vehicle',

          localField: 'vehicle_id',

          foreignField: 'id',

          unwinding: { preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false },

          matching: { status: { '$in': [ 'Roadworthy', 'Roadworthy (with defects)', 'VOR' ] } } } },

     { '$group':

        { _id: { '$dateToString': { date: '$start_time', format: { '$const': '%Y-%m-%d' } } },

          total_distance: { '$sum': '$distance' },

          total_speeding_incidents: { '$sum': '$speeding_incident_counts' },

          total_breaking_incidents: { '$sum': '$harsh_breaking_counts' },

          total_idlinging_incidents: { '$sum': '$idling_counts' },

          total_rpm_incidents: { '$sum': '$rpm_counts' } } } ],


   { host: 'DESKTOP-1IBPCFM',

     port: 27017,

     version: '4.2.23-rc0',

     gitVersion: 'cf91e1fbb5f45590d8e356e57522648381fea93c' },

  ok: 1 }

Journeys Documents :

{ _id: ObjectId("631360201fe5008c790afe10"),

  id: 1,

  vehicle_id: 181,

  user_id: 1,

  start_time: 2022-02-07T12:37:11.000Z,

  end_time: 2022-02-07T12:43:19.000Z,

  start_lat: Decimal128("51.52837"),

  start_lon: Decimal128("-3.07873"),

  end_lat: Decimal128("51.530338"),

  end_lon: Decimal128("-3.102211"),

  engine_duration: 368,

  idle_duration: 128,

  fuel: Decimal128("0.43"),

  co2: Decimal128("1.10"),

  distance: 1890,

  odometer: 17370605,

  odometer_start: 17368668,

  odometer_end: 17370605,

  avg_speed: 3.44,

  max_speed: 12,

  incident_count: 0,

  harsh_breaking_count: 0,

  harsh_acceleration_count: 0,

  harsh_cornering_count: 0,

  speeding_count: 0,

  speeding_incident_count: null,

  rpm_count: 0,

  idling_count: 0,

  updated_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:36.838Z,

  created_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:36.838Z }

{ _id: ObjectId("631360201fe5008c790afe11"),

  id: 2,

  vehicle_id: 181,

  user_id: 1,

  start_time: 2022-02-07T12:45:26.000Z,

  end_time: 2022-02-07T13:34:13.000Z,

  start_lat: Decimal128("51.53034"),

  start_lon: Decimal128("-3.10221"),

  end_lat: Decimal128("51.656443"),

  end_lon: Decimal128("-3.337073"),

  engine_duration: 2927,

  idle_duration: 1261,

  fuel: Decimal128("2.98"),

  co2: Decimal128("7.70"),

  distance: 32559,

  odometer: 17403336,

  odometer_start: 17370605,

  odometer_end: 17403336,

  avg_speed: 8.81,

  max_speed: 26,

  incident_count: 2,

  harsh_breaking_count: 0,

  harsh_acceleration_count: 0,

  harsh_cornering_count: 0,

  speeding_count: 0,

  speeding_incident_count: null,

  rpm_count: 0,

  idling_count: 2,

  updated_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:36.839Z,

  created_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:36.839Z }

{ _id: ObjectId("631360201fe5008c790afe12"),

  id: 3,

  vehicle_id: 181,

  user_id: 1,

  start_time: 2022-02-07T13:48:58.000Z,

  end_time: 2022-02-07T13:59:11.000Z,

  start_lat: Decimal128("51.65644"),

  start_lon: Decimal128("-3.33707"),

  end_lat: Decimal128("51.656464"),

  end_lon: Decimal128("-3.337021"),

  engine_duration: 613,

  idle_duration: 608,

  fuel: Decimal128("0.00"),

  co2: Decimal128("0.00"),

  distance: 0,

  odometer: 17403336,

  odometer_start: 17403336,

  odometer_end: 17403336,

  avg_speed: 0,

  max_speed: 0,

  incident_count: 1,

  harsh_breaking_count: 0,

  harsh_acceleration_count: 0,

  harsh_cornering_count: 0,

  speeding_count: 0,

  speeding_incident_count: null,

  rpm_count: 0,

  idling_count: 1,

  updated_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:36.840Z,

  created_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:36.840Z }

{ _id: ObjectId("631360201fe5008c790afe13"),

  id: 4,

  vehicle_id: 181,

  user_id: 1,

  start_time: 2022-02-07T14:30:12.000Z,

  end_time: 2022-02-07T14:47:54.000Z,

  start_lat: Decimal128("51.65646"),

  start_lon: Decimal128("-3.33702"),

  end_lat: Decimal128("51.696191"),

  end_lon: Decimal128("-3.346751"),

  engine_duration: 1062,

  idle_duration: 248,

  fuel: Decimal128("0.59"),

  co2: Decimal128("1.50"),

  distance: 9755,

  odometer: 17413179,

  odometer_start: 17403336,

  odometer_end: 17413179,

  avg_speed: 8.05,

  max_speed: 21,

  incident_count: 0,

  harsh_breaking_count: 0,

  harsh_acceleration_count: 0,

  harsh_cornering_count: 0,

  speeding_count: 0,

  speeding_incident_count: null,

  rpm_count: 0,

  idling_count: 0,

  updated_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:36.841Z,

  created_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:36.841Z }

{ _id: ObjectId("631360201fe5008c790afe14"),

  id: 5,

  vehicle_id: 181,

  user_id: 1,

  start_time: 2022-02-07T15:11:53.000Z,

  end_time: 2022-02-07T15:14:38.000Z,

  start_lat: Decimal128("51.69619"),

  start_lon: Decimal128("-3.34675"),

  end_lat: Decimal128("51.696226"),

  end_lon: Decimal128("-3.346785"),

  engine_duration: 165,

  idle_duration: 0,

  fuel: Decimal128("0.00"),

  co2: Decimal128("0.00"),

  distance: 0,

  odometer: 17413179,

  odometer_start: 17413179,

  odometer_end: 17413179,

  avg_speed: 0,

  max_speed: 0,

  incident_count: 0,

  harsh_breaking_count: 0,

  speeding_incident_count: null,

  rpm_count: 0,

  idling_count: 0 }

Vehicles Documents:

{ _id: ObjectId("6313601f1fe5008c790afbc5"),

  id: 1,

  status: 'Roadworthy',

  telematics_status: 'tm8.gps.ign.off',

  last_location_lat: Decimal128("51.353667"),

  last_location_lon: Decimal128("-0.482931"),

  last_location_time: 2022-09-02T17:38:59.000Z,

  updated_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:35.564Z,

  created_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:35.564Z }

{ _id: ObjectId("6313601f1fe5008c790afbc6"),

  id: 2,

  status: 'Roadworthy',

  telematics_status: 'tm8.gps.ign.off',

  last_location_lat: Decimal128("56.206825"),

  last_location_lon: Decimal128("-3.17141"),

  last_location_time: 2022-06-14T10:27:16.000Z,

  updated_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:35.566Z,

  created_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:35.566Z }

{ _id: ObjectId("6313601f1fe5008c790afbc7"),

  id: 3,

  status: 'Roadworthy',

  telematics_status: null,

  last_location_lat: null,

  last_location_lon: null,

  last_location_time: null,

  updated_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:35.566Z,

  created_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:35.566Z }

{ _id: ObjectId("6313601f1fe5008c790afbc8"),

  id: 4,

  status: 'Archived',

  telematics_status: null,

  last_location_lat: null,

  last_location_lon: null,

  last_location_time: null,

  updated_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:35.567Z,

  created_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:35.567Z }

{ _id: ObjectId("6313601f1fe5008c790afbc9"),

  id: 5,

  status: 'Roadworthy',

  telematics_status: 'tm8.gps.ign.off',

  last_location_lat: Decimal128("53.382753"),

  last_location_lon: Decimal128("-2.189482"),

  last_location_time: 2022-09-02T11:56:21.000Z,

  updated_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:35.568Z,

  created_at: 2022-09-03T14:09:35.568Z }

My Query that takes approx 1 min:



    "$match": {

      "start_time": {

        "$gte": { "$date": { "$numberLong": "1662440173747" } },

        "$lte": { "$date": { "$numberLong": "1665032173747" } }





    "$lookup": {

      "from": "vehicles",

      "localField": "vehicle_id",

      "foreignField": "id",

      "as": "vehicle"



  { "$unwind": { "path": "$vehicle" } },


    "$match": {

      "vehicle.status": {

        "$in": ["Roadworthy", "Roadworthy (with defects)", "VOR"]





    "$group": {

      "_id": {

        "$dateToString": { "format": "%Y-%m-%d", "date": "$start_time" }


      "total_distance": { "$sum": "$distance" },

      "total_speeding_incidents": { "$sum": "$speeding_incident_counts" },

      "total_breaking_incidents": { "$sum": "$harsh_breaking_counts" },

      "total_idlinging_incidents": { "$sum": "$idling_counts" },

      "total_rpm_incidents": { "$sum": "$rpm_counts" }




Indexes applied on all the columns that used inside query:

  1. Start_time

  2. speeding_incident_count

  3. harsh_breaking_count

  4. distance

  5. idling_count

  6. rpm_count

And other fields applied Indexes and also it is used when query run.

Currently it is in my local system and still it takes time to load. My system has 8 GB RAM and using i5 processor.


@Ghanshyam_Ashra , why is most of the parameters 0 in executionStats of Explain Response?
Just an observation that the only index used in this is start_time_1.

So what is the issue there tat this statistics come as Zero?

Total documents scanned: 82k
Estimated time: 14810 MS ( Approx 14 seconds )
It seems too much low performance

Explain Stats:

        "stages" : [
                        "$cursor" : {
                                "query" : {
                                        "start_time" : {
                                                "$gte" : ISODate("2022-08-01T00:00:00Z"),
                                                "$lte" : ISODate("2022-09-20T00:00:00Z")
                                "fields" : {
                                        "COLUMN_1" : 1,
                                        "COLUMN_2" : 1,
                                        "COLUMN_3" : 1,
                                        "COLUMN_4" : 1,
                                        "COLUMN_5" : 1,
                                        "COLUMN_6" : 1,
                                        "COLUMN_7" : 1,
                                        "collection_2_id" : 1,
                                        "_id" : 0
                                "queryPlanner" : {
                                        "plannerVersion" : 1,
                                        "namespace" : "db.journeys_collection",
                                        "indexFilterSet" : false,
                                        "parsedQuery" : {
                                                "$and" : [
                                                                "start_time" : {
                                                                        "$lte" : ISODate("2022-09-20T00:00:00Z")
                                                                "start_time" : {
                                                                        "$gte" : ISODate("2022-08-01T00:00:00Z")
                                        "queryHash" : "1367AE20",
                                        "planCacheKey" : "4A44DFBB",
                                        "winningPlan" : {
                                                "stage" : "FETCH",
                                                "inputStage" : {
                                                        "stage" : "IXSCAN",
                                                        "keyPattern" : {
                                                                "start_time" : 1
                                                        "indexName" : "start_time_1",
                                                        "isMultiKey" : false,
                                                        "multiKeyPaths" : {
                                                                "start_time" : [ ]
                                                        "isUnique" : false,
                                                        "isSparse" : false,
                                                        "isPartial" : false,
                                                        "indexVersion" : 2,
                                                        "direction" : "forward",
                                                        "indexBounds" : {
                                                                "start_time" : [
                                                                        "[new Date(1659312000000), new Date(1663632000000)]"
                                        "rejectedPlans" : [ ]
                                "executionStats" : {
                                        "executionSuccess" : true,
                                        "nReturned" : 82120,
                                        "executionTimeMillis" : 14810,
                                        "totalKeysExamined" : 82120,
                                        "totalDocsExamined" : 82120,
                                        "executionStages" : {
                                                "stage" : "FETCH",
                                                "nReturned" : 82120,
                                                "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : 5,
                                                "works" : 82121,
                                                "advanced" : 82120,
                                                "needTime" : 0,
                                                "needYield" : 0,
                                                "saveState" : 656,
                                                "restoreState" : 656,
                                                "isEOF" : 1,
                                                "docsExamined" : 82120,
                                                "alreadyHasObj" : 0,
                                                "inputStage" : {
                                                        "stage" : "IXSCAN",
                                                        "nReturned" : 82120,
                                                        "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : 2,
                                                        "works" : 82121,
                                                        "advanced" : 82120,
                                                        "needTime" : 0,
                                                        "needYield" : 0,
                                                        "saveState" : 656,
                                                        "restoreState" : 656,
                                                        "isEOF" : 1,
                                                        "keyPattern" : {
                                                                "start_time" : 1
                                                        "indexName" : "start_time_1",
                                                        "isMultiKey" : false,
                                                        "multiKeyPaths" : {
                                                                "start_time" : [ ]
                                                        "isUnique" : false,
                                                        "isSparse" : false,
                                                        "isPartial" : false,
                                                        "indexVersion" : 2,
                                                        "direction" : "forward",
                                                        "indexBounds" : {
                                                                "start_time" : [
                                                                        "[new Date(1659312000000), new Date(1663632000000)]"
                                                        "keysExamined" : 82120,
                                                        "seeks" : 1,
                                                        "dupsTested" : 0,
                                                        "dupsDropped" : 0
                        "$lookup" : {
                                "from" : "COLLECTION_2",
                                "as" : "result",
                                "localField" : "collection_2_id",
                                "foreignField" : "id",
                                "unwinding" : {
                                        "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays" : false
                                "matching" : {
                                        "status" : {
                                                "$in" : [
                        "$group" : {
                                "_id" : {
                                        "$dateToString" : {
                                                "date" : "$start_time",
                                                "format" : {
                                                        "$const" : "%Y-%m-%d"
                                "total_COLUMN_1_envents" : {
                                        "$sum" : "$COLUMN_1"
                                "total_COLUMN_2_envents" : {
                                        "$sum" : "$COLUMN_2"
                                "total_COLUMN_3_envents" : {
                                        "$sum" : "$COLUMN_3"
                                "total_COLUMN_4_envents" : {
                                        "$sum" : "$COLUMN_4"
                                "total_COLUMN_5_envents" : {
                                        "$sum" : "$COLUMN_5"
                                "total_COLUMN_6_envents" : {
                                        "$sum" : "$COLUMN_6"
                        "$sort" : {
                                "sortKey" : {
                                        "_id" : 1
        "serverInfo" : {
                "host" : "DESKTOP-KIPRKDI",
                "port" : 27017,
                "version" : "4.2.23-rc0",
                "gitVersion" : "cf91e1fbb5f45590d8e356e57522648381fea93c"
        "ok" : 1


I have added new explain result here.
And it seems that $lookup takes time to execute the relationship.
Is there any possible way to enhance the performance with $lookup and $match on multiple fields with $lookup data?
