Download data backup pricing

I’m trying to download backup from mongo atlas via download link. but I have no idea how about pricing for that action .

In document only say that

When restoring a cluster using a manual download via HTTPS, Atlas also charges for each hour that the download link remains active. To contact MongoDB Support for more information, click Support at the top of any page

Due to in app support is not working for me ( js open intercom is broken ) , So anybody know about this kind of information ? I’m really appreciate your help .


Hi @Trung_Nguyen_Quang, Thank you for reaching out.

Pricing for Atlas Snapshot downloads varies based on a couple of factors so there is not a single price point for all of our customers as it is too dynamic.

There are two main factors that affect the pricing. The size of the data is one big factor (smaller amount of data, less to download) and the other major factor is how fast your network can download data.

The slower your network, the longer it takes to download the snapshot and the more time we have to keep the download machinery up and running. I normally suggest our Atlas users to download one snapshot to get a better understanding of how long the download takes and then you can also see the download line item in your invoice after that to see the exact price for your snapshots (again this can vary even with the same amount of data due to network fluctuations).


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