Does Atlas allow us to implement queryable encryption CSFLE?


I would like to test out “Queryable Encryption CSFLE”. Does Atlas allow us to implement queryable encryption CSFLE?



Hello @John_Cantu, and a warm welcome to the MongoDB Community forum!

I wanted to point out that according to the documentation’s compatibility section on Client-Side Field Level Encryption, Atlas does indeed support encryption. I hope this addresses your query.

If there’s anything more specific you’re seeking, perhaps related to CSFLE support within the Atlas UI, please let us know!

Best Regards

Hello Aasawari,

What gets me, and probably most others, confused is Mongo calling the new release “Queryable Encryption” vs regular “automatic CSFLE.” I wish Mongo just called it CSFLE. if you use it in Mongo 7, it has the new queryable encryption feature. If it is different, then don’t associate it with CSFLE.

I found this that specifically shows “queryable encryption” is supported in Atlas:



The following table shows which MongoDB server products support which Queryable Encryption mechanisms:

Product Name Supports Automatic Encryption Supports Explicit Encryption
MongoDB Atlas Yes Yes
MongoDB Enterprise Advanced Yes Yes
MongoDB Community Edition No Yes

Hi @John_Cantu

I understand your concern and I believe the response by @Cynthia_Braund would help to clarify the difference that CSFLE and Queryable Encryption have.

Let us know if we have been able to answer your question.


Good morning. I don’t see Cynthia’s response. please point me to it. thanks

Hi @John_Cantu

I would recommend reading through the below link

and let us know if you have any further questions.


Good morning. I don’t see Cynthia’s response. please point me to it. thanks