Documents are not being expired after modifying ExpireAfterSeconds

Hi, I have a time-series collection with granularity set to 1 hour. Originally I had set ExpireAfterSeconds to 6 months. However, we had a design change and now we would like to store them for only 7 days. I have modified the value according to the documentation and can see the values got changed when I do ListCollections. Here is what is being returned:

{{ "name" : "system.buckets.test_document", "type" : "collection", "options" : { "validator" : { "$jsonSchema" : { "bsonType" : "object", "required" : ["_id", "control", "data"], "properties" : { "_id" : { "bsonType" : "objectId" }, "control" : { "bsonType" : "object", "required" : ["version", "min", "max"], "properties" : { "version" : { "bsonType" : "number" }, "min" : { "bsonType" : "object", "required" : ["Timestamp"], "properties" : { "Timestamp" : { "bsonType" : "date" } } }, "max" : { "bsonType" : "object", "required" : ["Timestamp"], "properties" : { "Timestamp" : { "bsonType" : "date" } } }, "closed" : { "bsonType" : "bool" } } }, "data" : { "bsonType" : "object" }, "meta" : { } }, "additionalProperties" : false } }, "clusteredIndex" : true, **"expireAfterSeconds" : NumberLong(604801)**, "timeseries" : { "timeField" : "Timestamp", "metaField" : "Hash", "granularity" : "hours", "bucketMaxSpanSeconds" : 2592000 } }, "info" : { "readOnly" : false, "uuid" : CSUUID("id") } }}
{{ "name" : "test_document", "type" : "timeseries", "options" : { **"expireAfterSeconds" : NumberLong(604801)**, "timeseries" : { "timeField" : "Timestamp", "metaField" : "Hash", "granularity" : "hours", "bucketMaxSpanSeconds" : 2592000 } }, "info" : { "readOnly" : false } }}

Both the actual document and the system bucket have the correct expireAfterSeconds but I can still see records older than 7 days even after 12 hours of modifying this value. Any help would be appreciated.

Did you ever check this.

Yes, I did, multiple times actually. I don’t understand what you mean. It’s been days since I made the change and the old records are still there. It says it runs every 60 seconds and there could be delays. The delay is taking days?