Different $round mode (like in JS: Math.round(.5)== 1)

Currently $round rounds down 5 decimals https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/round/#rounding-to-even-values

> db.foos.insert({ v: 10.125 })
> db.foos.aggregate([{$project:{v: {$round:['$v', 2]}}}])
{ "_id" : ObjectId("655a1ecd9d53dbdcb5528960"), "v" : 10.12 }

But we need something that matches the more common logic, which is round up (10.125 → 10.13)

Ideally it would be customizable (maybe like Intl.NumberFormat() constructor - JavaScript | MDN)

Are there solutions for this currently?