Developer tools are missing in Windows 10 Community edition installer

I managed to install mongo DB Community edition using mongodb-windows-x86_64-4.4.0-signed.msi on my Windows 10 PRO machine and the database works fine as a windows service, but the developer tools are missing. If I try a custom installation and manually check the Miscellaneous Tools, the installer reports “This feature requires 0KB on your hard drive” and the tools are not installed. Is there a problem with the installer?

You can download tools from Try MongoDB Atlas Products | MongoDB and there is a “tools” section that has the downloads for the developer tools (ie Compass).

If you download the .zip file for the community edition. In the bin directory you will see the mongod.exe and mongo.exe along with the other tools such as mongoimport and mongorestore. Which you can then run.

If above isn’t what you’re looking for here is the link to mongodb developer tools which may give you some extra info on what you’re looking for: MongoDB Developer Tools | MongoDB

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