Detecting when an ObservedRealmObject is deleted

After years of working with RealmSwift, I’m trying to get my head around using Realm with SwiftUI. So far everything is going well except I have an issue whereby I can’t detect when an ObservedRealmObject has been deleted.

My setup is fairly straightforward in that I have a list in a sidebar which is populated from an @ObservedResults and then later a ForEach loop:

@ObservedResults(Item.self) var items

var body: some View {
	List(selection: $navigationModel.selectedItem) {
	    ForEach(items, id: \.self) { item in
	        NavigationLink(value: item) {
	            ItemRow(item: item)
	    .onDelete(perform: $items.remove)

I then have a detail view which uses an ObservedRealmObject to display an item:

@ObservedRealmObject var item: Item
var body: some View {

If I change the name of the Item within my sidebar, then the item is instantly updated in the detail view.

However, if I delete the Item from the sidebar, there doesn’t seem to be a way to detect that within the detail view and thus navigate the user back. I assumed I’d be able to check if the object was invalidated (perhaps with an onChange modifier) but the object insists it is still valid even after deletion. I can also read the properties (i.e. checking on a button press) without any crashes. If I try to unthaw the item, then it returns nil and I can go back but it doesn’t seem optimal to have to unthaw the item on every render to check if it still exists.

Am I missing something obvious? I’m sure there must be a way for SwiftUI to be notified when an ObservedRealmObject has been deleted…

Yes, you can check the IsInvalidated property of the object. Please check this question: Procedure when object is invalidated - #3 by Joao_Serra