Deleted nested docs based on range of TIMESTAMP

Hi there, I have the following document

{ _id: ‘ID_1’,
  INFO_1: 123,
  INFO_2: 456,
        { ‘1648609200’:
              { TIMESTAMP: 1648609200,
              INFO3: 7,
              INFO4: 8},
              { TIMESTAMP: 1648609200,
              INFO3: 10,
              INFO4: 11},
              { TIMESTAMP: 1648645200,
              INFO3: 12,
              INFO4: 13}
update_at: 2022-03-30T23:00:51.662Z }

I need to delete only the nested documents with TIMESTAMP < 1648645200, please noticed that the ID of the nested docs are the same as the TIMESTAMP. So in this example the final doc would be:

{ _id: ‘ID_1’,
INFO_1: 123,
INFO_2: 456,
            { TIMESTAMP: 1648645200,
            INFO3: 12,
            INFO4: 13}
update_at: 2022-03-30T23:00:51.662Z }

Thanks in advance guys!

Please read Formatting code and log snippets in posts and republish your documents.

Make sure that your redaction does not contain error, like the missing closing brace of each nested_obj, because it makes hard for us to cut-n-paste your document in our installation.

And if I may add

  1. having values as field name is a bad design because it makes indexing hard if possible at all
  2. having nested_obj as an object rather than an array makes updates difficult as the right array operators cannot be used