Delete anonymous users upon log out: trigger?

I’d like to delete anonymous users when they log out, since I only use them for accessing public static data for users that are not logged in to my app. Can I do that using triggers? I can’t find a “logout” trigger.


Hi @Jean-Baptiste_Beau,

Currently there is no trigger based on a logout event.

I think you have 2 options :

  1. Have a scheduled trigger to periodically query users that are logout and delete them.
  2. On logout client
    logic insert a document to a collection and build a special database trigger to delete this user id.


Hi @Pavel_Duchovny,

I guess the scheduled trigger could work. How can I get all the users from a function?


Hi @Jean-Baptiste_Beau,

I will sketch something for you in the upcoming days…


Hi @Jean-Baptiste_Beau,

Please see the way I implemented the Realm anon-user deletes.


You will need to create 3 secrets in your application to authenticate with realm API

  • AtlasPrivateKey - Holds an admin of the Atlas private key
  • AtlasPublicKey - Holds an admin of the Atlas public key
  • AtlasGroupId - Holds the relevant project Id

I’ve created the following trigger running each 5min:

And added the following function to it which runs the entire logic, remember to replace <APP-ID> with your application id :

exports = async function() {

  // Get Atlas Parameters and application id
  const AtlasPrivateKey = context.values.get("AtlasPrivateKey");
  const AtlasPublicKey = context.values.get("AtlasPublicKey");
  const AtlasGroupId = context.values.get("AtlasGroupId");
  const appId = '<APP-ID>';
  // Authenticate to Realm API
  const respone_cloud_auth = await{
    url : "",
    headers : { "Content-Type" : ["application/json"],
                 "Accept" : ["application/json"]},
    body : {"username": AtlasPublicKey, "apiKey": AtlasPrivateKey},
    encodeBodyAsJSON: true
   const cloud_auth_body = JSON.parse(respone_cloud_auth.body.text());
   // Get the internal appId
  const respone_realm_apps = await context.http.get({
    url : `${AtlasGroupId}/apps`,
    headers : { "Content-Type" : ["application/json"],
                 "Accept" : ["application/json"],
                 "Authorization" : [`Bearer ${cloud_auth_body.access_token}`]
   const realm_apps = JSON.parse(respone_realm_apps.body.text());
   var internalAppId = "";{ 
     if (app.client_app_id == appId)
       internalAppId = app._id;
   // Get all realm users 
    const respone_realm_users = await context.http.get({
    url : `${AtlasGroupId}/apps/${internalAppId}/users`,
    headers : { "Content-Type" : ["application/json"],
                 "Accept" : ["application/json"],
                 "Authorization" : [`Bearer ${cloud_auth_body.access_token}`]
   const realm_users = JSON.parse(respone_realm_users.body.text());
   // Filter only anon-users 
   var usersToDelete = [];{ 
     if (user.identities[0].provider_type == "anon-user")
    // Delete the users on the list{ 
     const respone_realm_users_delete =  context.http.delete({
    url : `${AtlasGroupId}/apps/${internalAppId}/users/${id}`,
    headers : { "Content-Type" : ["application/json"],
                 "Accept" : ["application/json"],
                 "Authorization" : [`Bearer ${cloud_auth_body.access_token}`]

This will log all the user ids that were deleted.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

Best regards,


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