Day 1 of #100DaysOfCode:
Starting with a Guess the Number Game!I’m excited to begin my 100daysofcode challenge with a fun project: a Guess the Number game! In this web app, users guess a number between 1 and 100, and they get feedback on whether their guess is too high, too low, or correct. It also keeps track of how many guesses they make.
The github link:
Day 2 of #100DaysOfCode:
I am excited to share my latest project : a simple , stylish calculator app! as part of my daily coding challenge , I built this app wiwebth a clean design using html ,css and javascript . it handles basic calculations, supports parentheses , and let’s you use the keyboard for easy input . I am sure to handle edge cases and errors smoothly check out the code on github:GitHub - bassel-abou-hjeily/100daysOfCode
Today, I’m diving into one of the key concepts in web development: CRUD operations with Node.js. CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete — the four fundamental actions we use to manage data in applications. Here’s a quick breakdown:
GET: Retrieves data from the server. Example: fetching a list of users.
POST: Adds new data to the server. Example: creating a new user.
PUT: Updates existing data. Example: modifying a user’s details.
DELETE: Removes data from the server. Example: deleting a user.
Mastering these operations is essential for building dynamic, data-driven applications. Next up, I’ll be diving into handling routes, requests, and more advanced topics in Node.js!
Today, I’m covering HTTP status codes, which are essential for understanding how a server responds to a client’s request. These codes help us figure out what happened during an interaction between the server and browser.
Here’s a quick summary of the major status code categories:
1xx (Informational): The request was received, and the process is continuing.
2xx (Success): The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
3xx (Redirection): Further action must be taken to complete the request.
4xx (Client Error): The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled.
5xx (Server Error): The server failed to fulfill a valid request.
For example:
200 OK: The request was successful.
404 Not Found: The resource couldn’t be found.
500 Internal Server Error: Something went wrong on the server’s side.
Understanding these codes is crucial when building, testing, and debugging web applications. Stay tuned for more insights tomorrow!