Day1 :Guess the Number Game!I

Hello :wave:
Day 1 of #100DaysOfCode:
Starting with a Guess the Number Game!I’m excited to begin my 100daysofcode challenge with a fun project: a Guess the Number game! :tada: In this web app, users guess a number between 1 and 100, and they get feedback on whether their guess is too high, too low, or correct. It also keeps track of how many guesses they make.
The github link:

100daysofcode #javascript #html #css #WebDevelopment


Good luck with the challenge @Bassel_Abou_hjeily ! I noticed that you created an entirely new topic for day 2. You shouldn’t do that.
All you need to do is reply to this topic every day.
Feel free to check out my 100daysofcode topic here → The Journey of #100DaysOfCode (@Amir_BouGhanem) - #58 by Amir_BouGhanem for reference. GOOD LUCK!

Day 2 of #100DaysOfCode:
I am excited to share my latest project : a simple , stylish calculator app! as part of my daily coding challenge , I built this app wiwebth a clean design using html ,css and javascript . it handles basic calculations, supports parentheses , and let’s you use the keyboard for easy input . I am sure to handle edge cases and errors smoothly check out the code on github:GitHub - bassel-abou-hjeily/100daysOfCode

#CodingChallenge #WebDevelopment #javaScript #FrontendDevelopment #DailyCoding #TECHlarious


Day 3/100 of 100daysofcode

Today, I’m diving into one of the key concepts in web development: CRUD operations with Node.js. CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete — the four fundamental actions we use to manage data in applications. Here’s a quick breakdown:

:small_blue_diamond: GET: Retrieves data from the server. Example: fetching a list of users. :point_down:

:small_blue_diamond: POST: Adds new data to the server. Example: creating a new user. :memo:
:small_blue_diamond: PUT: Updates existing data. Example: modifying a user’s details. :arrows_counterclockwise:

:small_blue_diamond: DELETE: Removes data from the server. Example: deleting a user. :x:

Mastering these operations is essential for building dynamic, data-driven applications. Next up, I’ll be diving into handling routes, requests, and more advanced topics in Node.js! :rocket:

#NodeJS crud #WebDevelopment #JavaScript #BackendDevelopment 100daysofcode #LearningToCode
#CodingChallenge #DailyCoding #TECHlarious


Day 4/100 of 100daysofcode

Today, I’m covering HTTP status codes, which are essential for understanding how a server responds to a client’s request. These codes help us figure out what happened during an interaction between the server and browser.

Here’s a quick summary of the major status code categories:

:small_blue_diamond: 1xx (Informational): The request was received, and the process is continuing.
:small_blue_diamond: 2xx (Success): The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
:small_blue_diamond: 3xx (Redirection): Further action must be taken to complete the request.
:small_blue_diamond: 4xx (Client Error): The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled.
:small_blue_diamond: 5xx (Server Error): The server failed to fulfill a valid request.

For example:

200 OK: The request was successful.

404 Not Found: The resource couldn’t be found.

500 Internal Server Error: Something went wrong on the server’s side.

Understanding these codes is crucial when building, testing, and debugging web applications. Stay tuned for more insights tomorrow!

#WebDevelopment #HTTPStatusCodes #NodeJS #JavaScript #APIs #BackendDevelopment #TechCommunity #SoftwareEngineering #CodeNewbie #WebDev #CodingLife #FullStackDevelopment #LearnToCode #LinkedInTech #TechCareers #Programming